Elizabeth Street / PCYC Redfern Plan Public Meeting 26 Nov 2024 at 6pm
Bridge Housing will explain its development to the community for this Homes NSW site. Come along to find out how your suburb is about to change and bring your questions. The proposal is On Exhibition until 4th December. It proposes 355 social, affordable and disability homes, Bridge’s head office and a new community building (including PCYC). Building heights are 14, 10, 5 and 3 storeys.
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Past Events
North Eveleigh Parks - Invitation to Contribute to Design, 24 November 2012
The SMDA has commenced the process for designing two parks at the western end of the North Eveleigh site. In accordance with the North Eveleigh Concept Plan, an application for the development of the parks must be submitted. This must occur prior or concurrently with the first application for new floor space. A private consultancy firm has been appointed to progress the design and submit this development application. The SMDA will seek to ensure that the community’s interests are incorporated in the design and will be undertaking consultation with the community and stakeholders.
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Government Sites Plans & Activities
North Eveleigh Clothing Store Precinct
North Eveleigh Affordable Housing
Lift Redfern Campaign Meeting Postponed
This meeting has been postponed due to clash with the Premiere of REDFERN Now on the Block on 31 October. We will set a new date and advertise as soon as possible.
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Past Events
Ron Hoenig Heffrom Community Forum
Meet the new Member for Heffron - Ron Hoenig MP at the Waterloo Housing NSW Tenants Community Forum on Friday, 19 October 2012 2 pm until 4 pm. Other issues include • Housing NSW issues and initiatives • Policing and Crime Prevention • Question time
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Past Events
Sydney Uni Abercrombie Development PAC Hearing
Due to the level of public interest in the application, the Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) will be meeting to hear public views on the Department’s assessment report and recommendation, prior to determining the project.
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Past Events
Planning Changes - What it means to You! - 23 October 7.30pm
The State Government recently published a “discussion” paper for changes to planning controls across NSW. This will replace planning legislation that has long underpinned the State’s planning controls. If approved, the changes fast track economic development across the inner city and are likely to result in overdevelopment in your neighbourhood. While reform is needed, the changes have been condemned as pro-developer and remove the wider public from the process. Notably, even ICAC have raised concerns!
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Past Events
Dept Health Redfern Community Coinsultation
As part of its ongoing consultation with the local community, Sydney Local Health District will hold a community forum in October, to discuss public health issues and the needle and syringe program in Redfern. This meeting will discuss the proposal for a needle dispensing machine in front of the Redfern Health Centre.
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Past Events
Sydney Uni Info Stall on Abercrombie Street Development - 22 Sept
The University of Sydney will host a stall at Eveleigh Market on Saturday 22 September from 8 am to 1 pm, when it invites the local community to find out more about its plans to build a world-class business school facility in Darlington.
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Other RW Issues
University of Sydney
A New Planning System for NSW Green Paper - Until 14 Sept
The NSW Government is creating a planning system for the 21st century. A planning system focussed on the public interest. A planning system that places people and their choices at the heart of planning decisions about their future. On 14 July 2012, the NSW Government released A New Planning System for New South Wales – Green Paper, a bold step in the development of a new planning system for the State. The Green Paper outlines major changes in five key areas of the planning system, these are: * involving the community early in guiding planning decisions that will shape the growth and future of our cities, towns, and neighbourhoods; * placing much more emphasis on preparing good policies upfront to guide growth and development; * reducing red tape and delay for the assessment of development applications for all types of proposals; * ensuring that infrastructure is planned and delivered to support new and existing communities; * promoting a ‘can do’ culture in the planning system and ensuring that councils and the government are accountable for delivering the results they have committed to; and * providing greater access to information about planning policies, planning decisions, and your rights in the planning process.
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Consultation Links
Community to Have Say on Aboriginal Affairs Policy - Redfern 24 Jan 2012
On December 14 2011 Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Victor Dominello MP opened community consultation for the development of a new Aboriginal affairs strategy for NSW. To help the public get involved in developing the strategy, Community Discussion Papers on service delivery, education and employment have been released, as has a schedule of public community meetings across NSW reports this Ministerial media release.
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2004-2012 Statements
Media Articles on Redfern Waterloo 2004 - 2013