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Human Services Advisory Committee (HSAC)

The HSAC is one of RWA's Ministerial Advisory Committees. It was originally selected by the RWPP to be the Human Services Implimentation Working Group (HSIWG) as proposed by the Morgan Disney Review into Human Services. With the decision to fold the RWPP into the RWA not long after the RWA was established the Minister decided that the HSIWG would become the first Ministerial Advisory Group. In August 2005 some additions were made to the original HSIWG membership. The HSAC has been chaged with advising the Minister and the RWA on Human Services in Redfern Waterloo.
File HSAC Agreed Actions - 15.03.2005
These are the agreed actions from the second HSAC meeting on 15.03.2005. This is the last HSAC action points / minutes that have been made publically available. This word file is 66 Kb.
File HSAC Agreed Actions - 03.03.2005
These are the agreed actions from the first HSAC meeting on 03.03.2005. Word file is 56Kb.
File HSAC-minutes-050315
Meeting minutes of the Human Services Advisory Committee - 15 March 2005