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Redfern Public School

This site is in the process of being sold to the Indigenous Land Corporation for a Centre for Aboriginal cultural, social and sporting excellence and is to be zoned as Special Purposes – Community. The RWA propose that the existing school buildings in the south east corner of the site be retained and that maximum heights of 4 storeys apply to other parts of the site with FSR for site of 2:1. Residential development on site is to be limited to accommodation ancillary to business, educational and recreational purposes. The RWA are proposing that east-west and north-south vehicle, pedestrian and cycle traffic corridors be created. The exisitng oval is to be retained as private open space.
RWA Draft Built Environment Plan - Former Redfern Public School
This section contains the Land Use and Design Concepts for this RWA Strategic Site provided in the RWA Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) in August 2006 and the Draft of February 2006.
Redfern School site for ILC National Indigenous Development Centre
At a media conference at the former Redfern Public School the NSW and Federal governments announced that the ILC would proceed to purchase the site from the NSW Department of Education. The details of the media kit and that display boards at the media conference are available here.
Exodus Tutorial Centre Redfern
The Exodus Tutorial Centre Redfern is one of the organisations that is planned to be located in the ILC's National Indigenous Development Centre planned for the Former Redfern Public School Site. The Exodus Tutorial centre has set up initially in premises owned by the South Sydney Uniting Church near Alexandria Park School and has started with its first intake of students. Details on the Exodus Tutorial Centre can be found here.
Major Project Application - National Indigenous Youth Development Centre MP 06_0267
The Major Project Application for the Former Redfern School Site Community Health Centre was Approved on 4th October following public exhibition which closed on 15 June 2007. The Approval has now been placed on the Department of Planning's website. The details of the Department of Planning listing is given below.
The National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE)
The National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (initially referred to as the National Indigenous Development Centre) operates from the Former Redfern Public School site which was purchased by the Federal Government's Indigenous Land Corporation. The facility is operated by the YMCA in partnership with the ILC.