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Chippendale Improvement Plan

The draft Chippendale Improvement Plan, currently on exhibition until 13 February, details projects to improve local area traffic management, public domain, open spaces and community facilities reports CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 19 January 2007 - No. 330.

The Improvement Plan is an early initiative from the extensive consultation process to develop Local Action Plans for all areas of the City. Projects proposed in the draft Plan include:

  • developing landscaped focal points at the existing Peace Park and a new Balfour Street Park;
  • linking these with improved pedestrian thoroughfares, including a new signalised crossing over Abercrombie Street, improved street light and widening of footpaths;
  • introducing and improving local cycle facilities to link into the City's Cycle Strategy; and
  • introducing child care and library facilities.

Some projects have already started in Chippendale, including footpath upgrades and new tree planting, while others will begin when the finalised plan is adopted by Council following this further public consultation.
