02 December 2004b
Rally Against The Government Imposed Plans - Monday 6th December at 10am Waterloo Green Matavai Tower
Attached please find a copy of two leaflets to advertising Monday’s Rally. I had trouble printing the word document with the black top so I am also sending this as a pdf file in case you have the same problem!
Please feel free to make your own posters etc. Please pass information about the Rally on to your friends and neighbors so the maximum number of people know about the Rally and come. Politicians are being encouraged to attend and listen to the people.
The Rally will be held on Monday 6th December at 10am ‘Waterloo Green’ (between Matavai and Turanga) between Phillip and Raglan Streets, opposite George Street, Waterloo.
The contacts for the rally organizers are REDWatch (contact Trevor Davies 04 0000 8338, Ben Spies-Butcher 0414744758), Redfern Organisation of Aboriginal Unity (contact Shane Phillips 0423605236), The Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development (contact Charlie Richardson 9698 7461).