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Media Articles on Redfern Waterloo

This is a selection of major news items about Redfern Waterloo from various media outlets. The AHC also has a good selection of the stories about the Block in their media news section at You can get up to date news by setting up a Google News alert at News Alerts will not pick up local media and some mainstream media stories which do not appear on a news website, where possible we put these stories on our website to provide wide access to the stories.
Waterloo Human Services Action Plan Update - 13 October 2023
This update on the Waterloo Human Services Collaborative's Action Plan appeared in the October 2023 Waterloo newsletter.
Urban Transformation Study - 21 November 2016
The UrbanGrowth Central to Eveleigh Urban Transformation, which we have been waiting much of 2016 to see in the end did not go through Cabinet as initially expected. Instead it was released in conjunction with the Greater Sydney Commission Central District Plan which makes reference to it.
Government Priority Criteria for Station Upgrades like Redfern
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has released Internal Working Documents under a GIPA request setting out the Selection criteria and prioritisation process for TfNSW selection of stations to be upgraded. Redfern Station potentially fits three programs – Easy Access for lifts onto platforms 11 & 12; Station Upgrade as a local station and; an Interchange Upgrade because of its wider rail-rail and rail-bus interchange role . Below you will find the criteria that Redfern Station would need to meet under each program. Where possible in Lift Redfern letters Redfern’s meeting of the relevant criteria should be stressed.
Redfern automatic syringe dispensing machine Operational - 11th April 2013
Sydney Local Health District advised the community on 11 April 2013 that the automatic syringe dispensing machine outside the Redfern Community Health Centre is now fully operational as part of Sydney Local Health District’s campaign to combat unacceptably high levels of HIV and hepatitis C infections among injecting drug users in the Redfern area.
Millers Point Community Defence Group
Three exisiting Millers Point Groups are cooperating through an overall mechanism called The Miller's Point Community Defence Group.
Minister Hazzard Media Release on Waterloo Redevelopment
Below is the text of the media release issued by Minister Hazzard on 16 December 2015 regarding the redevelopment of the Waterloo Public Housing Estate.
Links to Waterloo Redevelopment History
Here you will find some of the history behind the announcement to redevelop the Waterloo Public Housing Estate.
Background Information on site visits
Below are some points about the study process that have been provided by LAHC and UrbanGrowth that may help put the site visits into context.
Elizabeth Street Redfern Declared State Significant Precinct on Sept 9 2017
On September 9 the NSW Department of Planning and Environment declared 600-660 Elizabeth Street, Redfern a potential State Significant Precinct (SSP), in order to set new planning controls.
Locomotive Workshop redevelopment SSDAs - Exhibition until 15 Dec 2017
Mirvac originally split its proposal for the Locomotive Workshop into two but the Department of Planning has placed both the Mirvac DAs on exhibition together. There are differences between the documents as they deal with different ends of Loco. The Bays 1-5 DA deals with the heritage Bays 1 & 2, the proposed retail and the impact of the proposed supermarket on heritage. Bays 6-16 deal with the commercial end of the development. The issues related to the movable heritage collection and how the development deals with the heritage fabric of the buildings goes across both DAs.
Mirvac ATP Development Community Liaison Group
In the lead up to the development of the building sites at the ATP Mirvac called for expressions of interest from community members who were interested in being on a community liaison group during the redevelopment. The first meeting was held on 4 October. Representatives from ARAG, FOE and REDWatch are on the committee along with a number of surrounding residents.
Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian today (15 August 2013) announced the NSW Government will make trains at Redfern Station accessible to customers in wheelchairs and parents with prams for the first time reports this media statement from the Minister.
Elizabeth Street Redfern Developer Registration of Interest 20 Dec 2017
Minister Prue Goward visited Redfern on Wednesday 20 December 2017 to announce a Registration of Interest (ROI) process to speed up the proposed redevelopment of The Elizabeth Street Redfern public housing.
Proforma Submission for Locomotive Workshop DA Objection
The below proforma submission has been put together by ARAG based on material supplied to REDWatch. Please take what you find useful, express it in your own words and then make your submission on the major Projects portal.
Central to Eveleigh: Getting the Most from Our City
The NSW Government today (12 July 2013) called for expressions of interest for the renewal of the railway line corridor between Central Station and Eveleigh that has potential to provide thousands of new homes and jobs reports this media release from Minister Brad Hazzard.
REDWatch Unpacks the Stockland Consortium Waterloo Redevelopment Announcement
A few days on from the announcement that Stockland, Link Wentworth, City West Housing and Birribee are Homes NSW's preferred partners for developing Waterloo, REDWatch has provided the links and some analysis of that announcement.
Stockland ASX Announcement: Waterloo Renewal Project Preferred Proponent
Below is the announcement at 6:50pm on 8 August 2024 by Stockland to the Australian Stock Exchange that its consortium was the selected by Homes NSW as the preferred proponent to deliver the Waterloo Renewal Project with Homes NSW
Homes NSW Advise Tenants Stockland Consortium is Waterloo South Developer
In keeping with undertakings to tenants, Homes NSW Minister Rose Jackson advised Waterloo tenants that a decision has been made on the successful consortium to develop Waterloo South. A message to tenants read: Dear Residents of Waterloo. Rose Jackson, the Minister for Housing has some important information to share with you regarding the Waterloo South Renewal Project. Please click the link to read the letter. The text of the letter is provided below. A media statement was issued the next day along with further information for tenants and agencies. These are also provided below.
Clothing Store Precinct North Eveleigh - Now Homes NSW Social and Affordable Housing Development
On 1 July 2024 following the statewide audit of government land, a former clothing store precinct in the heart of Sydney is among the first of four sites identified as being suitable to deliver much needed social and affordable housing stock. This is the media release for that announcement.
Some further REDWatch comments on the People and Place Plan
These are some further comments by REDWatch, circulated in our email update 0f 27 May 2024 regarding Homes NSW's Draft People and place plan, which is open for feedback until14 June 2024.
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