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Explorer Street Eveleigh Renewal

On 11 November 2020 the NSW Land and Housing Corporation anounced the renewal of the 46 public housing properties in Explorer Street Eveleigh. This was also considered for renewal in the Redfern Waterloo Authorities BEP2 in 2011. Since 2011 52 dwellings in Rowley Street have had their management transferred to Bridge Housing and are not part of the 2020 proposed redevelopment.
Letter to Explorer Street Tenants advising of the redevelopment
This letter was distrinuted to tenants on 20 November 2020 advising them that their homes woulkd be redeveloped and how they would be involved in the process.
Social Housing Renewal in Central Sydney - Media Release 11th November 2020
In this media release the Land and Housing Minister Melinda Pavey anounced two new housing renewal projects in the City of Sydney LGA at Franklyn Street Glebe and Explorer Street South Eveleigh. The Minister said: “By deconcentrating disadvantage, we can breathe new life into local economies and deliver more jobs, provide better connections to education outcomes and improve amenities for all residents.”
More social housing for inner-city
The NSW Government is delivering a record 4,250 new homes across the City of Sydney LGA, with the addition of two new housing renewal projects at Franklyn Street Glebe and Explorer Street South Eveleigh said the LAHC and NSW Government on 11 November 2020 when announcing the Explorer Street South Eveleigh redevelopment.
Explorer Street Eveleigh Redevelopment Proposal - Community Information Pack
This is the information pack produced by Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) for the pre-lodgement Community Consultation until 11 December 2020. The Information pack presents three options for the redevelopment and is seeking input prior to lodging a proposal with the City of Sydney Council. In outline the proposal is to replace the exisiting 46 public housing units with 430 dwellings of which around 120 are proposed for Social Housing.
Consultation - Explorer Street Eveleigh until 11 December 2020
Land and Housing Corporation are looking for Pre-Lodgement feedback on their options for the redevelopment of the public housing at Explorer Street Eveleigh. The Consultation will go until 11 December and a Social Impact Assessment is also being prepared by Elton Consulting.
BEP2 on South Eveleigh
This is the extract from the RWA's Built Environment Plan 2 proposal in 2011 that deals with South Eveleigh and the Explorer Street Precinct
REDWatch submission on Explorer Street South Eveleigh
This REDWatch‘s submission on the Explorer Street Eveleigh and Franklyn Street Glebe redevelopment proposals of 11 December 2020. In this submission REDWatch expresses its concerns about how LAHC have gone about the announcement and asked for LAHC toi take into account what tenants say they needed in earlier redevelopments. The submission also argues, based on earlier RWA work, that the density proposed in LAHC's options is to great for the South Eveleigh site.
Explorer Street Eveleigh Rezoning taken over by State Government
The public housing at Explorer Street Eveleigh is on a list of sites announced on 5th December 2022 where the Department of Planning will take over rezoning control from Local Councils. It is the only site on the is in the City of Sydney LGA. The story was initially dropped to the Daily Telegraph behind a paywall.
City of Sydney Council Resolution on Explorer Street Eveleigh
On December 5 2022 the NSW Government added Explorer Street Eveleigh on a list of 10 sites that would have their planning done by the NSW Department of Planning rather than local Councils. Below is the text of the motion adopted unanimously by City of Sydney Council at its meeting on 12 December 2022.
Clover Moore letter to Planning and Shadow Planning Ministers on Explorer Street Eveleigh
In line with the Council resolution from the end of 2022, on 17 January 2023 the Lord Mayor of Sydney has written to Minister Roberts and Mr Paul Scully, MP regarding Explorer Street Eveleigh being taken from Council planning control. The text of the letters are below.
Planning reforms to deliver social and affordable housing
The Minns Labor Government will use new NSW planning laws to focus state-owned housing corporations on tackling the state’s housing crisis, by building more social and affordable homes, faster according to this media statement on 19 June 2023 released by the Minister for Housing and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. The changes increase self-assessment powers for LAHC and AHO from 60 dwellings and 2 storeys to 75 dwellings and 3 storeys. Projects with more than 75 homes or more than $30 million capital investment will have an expanded State Significant Development pathway.
Have your say on rezoning plans for Explorer Street in Eveleigh
This media release was issued on Friday 13 October 2023 by Paul Scully, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and Rose Jackson Minister for Housing about the rezoning exhibition until 17 November for Explorer Street Eveleigh.
Explorer Street South Eveleigh public housing rezoning proposal - exhibition until 1st December 2023
The Explorer Street South Eveleigh public housing rezoning proposal is on exhibition until Friday 1 December extended from 17 November 2023. The area proposed for redevelopment includes social housing dwellings on Explorer Street, Station Place and Aurora Place, but not nearby properties in Rowley Street, which are managed by Bridge Housing. Here you will find information about the exhibition. This page was updated with new information on the DPE webinar recording and Council's submission on 17 November 2023.
Artist Impression of Explorer Street Reference proposal for the rezoning.
Artist Impression of Explorer Street Reference proposal for the rezoning. This images indicates possible location of buildings and heights. Final design will be decided by a development application at a later stage
Explorer Street Rezoning Issues for Consideration
This page has been prepared by REDWatch to assist people in preparing their submissions about the Explorer Street Rezoning which closes on 1 December 2023. It covers background context to the proposal including on broader government policy that impacts the rezoning. It also covers the intended effects and identifies issues raised by the community.
Explorer Street, Eveleigh Social Infrastructure and Social Impact Assessment (fully searchable PDF)
This is a copy of the Social Infrastructure and Social Impact Assessment for Explorer Street that is searchable as a PDF. The report on exhibition have pages throughout the report that are not searchable and hence make it difficult for interested people to find all the references that may occur. As the Social Impact Assessment Section of this report is of potential relevance to other public housing redevelopments in the inner city and was undertaken for the Department of Planning and Environment, REDWatch has performed an optical character recognition (OCR) on the non text pages. OCRs are not perfect so users should check the PDF search result against the underlying text. It maybe that some search occurrences may not show up if the OCR has not correctly identified the letters correctly. Users of this document should hence exercise their own judgement in extracting text and check it against the underlying image. Even though the OCR process may create errors this process makes this document much more accessable to users who wish to find parts of the document that might be of interest.
Summary of the SIA Recommendations for Explorer Street Eveleigh
This is a searchable PDF of the Section 8 of the Explorer Street, Eveleigh Social Infrastructure and Social Impact Assessment. This section summarises the recommendations from the SIA that are assessed in the earlier section 7. Appendix F deals with the scoping of the issues and Appendix G deals with the assessment of significance against the DPE SIA framework. As the issues or the redevelopment of an existing public housing estate in Eveleigh will be similar to the issues faced on other inner city public housing redevelopments (such as Waterloo) we have extracted the SIA recommendations as they are likely to have a wider audience that Explorer Street.
Counterpoint Community Services Explorer Street Rezoning Submission
This submission on the 2023 rezoning of Explorer Street South Eveleigh was produced by Counterpoint Community Services
Shelter NSW Explorer Street Rezoning Submission
This submission on the 2023 rezoning of Explorer Street South Eveleigh was produced by Shelter NSW which was unable to support the proposal.
REDWatch Explorer Street Rezoning Submission
This submission on the 2023 rezoning of Explorer Street South Eveleigh was produced by REDWatch. REDWatch objected to the proposal on the basis that a delay on this rezoning was likely to result in a better social and affordable housing outcome.
Rezoning Artist Impression of Explorer Street Eveleigh 2023
THis artiust impression was released to show a possible outcome for the rezoning of Explorer Street North Eveleigh in October 2023.