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Redfern Railway Station

Plans for an upgrade of Redfern railway station are being developed and Railcorp are expected to be made more information available in early 2010 - four years after initially announced in 2006. Station would probably not be finished before 2015. Information will be added as it comes to hand.
Access Upgrade to Redfern Station - Southern Concourse Early Consultation
Redfern Station was approved for an accessibility upgrade in February 2019 as part of the Transport Access Program. In May Transport for NSW (TfNSW) commenced a consultation around their preferred option which did not include Platforms 11 &12. In July following community push-back around lack of connectivity and discharge of travelers into Little Eveleigh and Marian Street, they consulted on some other options. The project aims to provide a station precinct that is accessible to those with a disability, limited mobility, parents/carers with prams and customers with luggage.
Proposals impacting Redfern Station Upgrade
Plans for upgrading Redfern Station have been arround since the 1940's. Here we have collected together material relating to Redfern Station proposals or Rail proposals that impact upon a Redfern Station Upgrade.
Historical Redfern Upgrade Studies
In October 2013 Transport for NSW released, following a GIPA request initiated by Lift Redfern, a number of studies undertaken between 2006 and 2010 on Redfern Station - over 800 pages in total. The Documents primarily relate to studies undertaken in preparation for a Gateway review to receive funding from Government. The documents released excluded financial information about the proposals considered. The most recent Gateway document released (Redfern Station Upgrade Gateway Review Planning Session 10 May 2010 - Document 28) shows a preferred design from three option. It also indicated that there was an expectation that construction could commence in July 2011. We have provided both some extracts to enable people to get a quick overview and also will add the Background studies to this section of the site as we are able.
Lift Redfern Station Campaign
A broad based campaign was started in January 2012 to get lifts installed at Redfern Station. It is supported by a wide range of organisations including business, the arts, the Aboriginal community, community services, resident groups and local political party branches. A key part of the “Lift Redfern” campaign is to get the appalling access at Redfern Station debated in the NSW Parliament with a 10,000 signature petition and to call on the “Minister of Transport to take immediate action to install lifts to Redfern Station platforms”. Here you can find out more about the Lift Redfern Station Campaign.
Government Policy on Railway Access Upgrades
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has produced both public policy documents and released internal working documents under GIPA requests which provides information about Government Policy, Programmes, selection criteria and prioritisation process. This section of the site contains links to public documents and copies of documents released under GIPA requests.
City to Eveleigh Proposals
On 12 July 2013 the NSW Government anounced it would call for Expressions of Interest to develop the rail way corridor between Central and Evleigh including the possibility of a over the railway line redevelopment of Redfern Station. You can find this material on a different section of this website we have not duplicated all the references to Redfern Station in this section so follow this link to look at the Central to Eveleigh development proposals.
Redfern Station - Application to replace Platforms 6 & 7 - Closes 11 January 2017
The following notice has appeared on Redfern Station over the holiday break. It appears Sydney Trains propose to undertake work on platforms 6 & 7 while discussions are supposed to be underway this year about the possibility of a station upgrade are under discussions between UrbanGrowth NSW and Transport for NSW.
Southern Concourse Formal Proposal
The Transport for NSW proposal for the Redfern Station Southern Concourse went on formal exhibition on 27 May until 24th June 2020.
Image REDWatch Transport Connectivity Workshop 22 April 2021 JPG
File Redfern Station and local traffic - Clover Moore letter to Jo Haylen
This letter of 28 August 2023 on behalf of Lawson Street and Little Eveleigh Street residents calls for Transport for NSW to call a meeting with residents to discuss a TfNSW changed traffic plan which changes the direction of traffic in Little Eveleigh Street in a way that would make it impossible to enter from the Newtown direction and it it was accessible potentially invite a rat run to avoid bank ups in Lawson Street. Unmentioned in the proposal is a plan residents claim to stop then from standing outside their houses to unload as TfNSW propose a no stopping zone in front of their houses. The consultation had short notice and did not contain all the information necessary to explain the proposals and their implication hence residents made representations to Council, with which TfNSW said they were working.
Image TfNSW proposal to reverse Little Eveleigh Street - until Sept 10th 2023
TfNSW are looking for community responses to the proposal to reverse the traffic flow in Little Eveleigh Street. Initially the proposal did not deal with some issues that were of concern to residents, such as the no right turn into Ivy Street for east bound traffic on Abercrombie and a proposal for no stopping in front of residents houses, impact on resident back yard access among other issues. Aditional information has been placed on the Southern Concourse website and the exhibition extended until September 10 by phone to 1800 684 490 or email to projects@transport.nsw.gov.au. After presentations from residents Clover Moore has asked the Transport Minister to hold a meeting with local residents. You can see her letter at www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statesignificant/station/230828CM
Little Eveleigh / Lawson / Ivy / Wilson Streets traffic & parking changes – feedback until Sunday 10 Sept
Transport for NSW has extended the consultation for the proposed redirection of Little Eveleigh Street after making available additional information. The proposed changes impact the above streets as well as requiring traffic from the west to use Shepherd Street and Vine Street to access Little Eveleigh Street. An onsite meeting has been organised with local MP Jenny Leong for Thursday 7 September at 4pm at the corner of Little Eveleigh and Lawson Streets.