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Media Articles on Redfern Waterloo

This is a selection of major news items about Redfern Waterloo from various media outlets. The AHC also has a good selection of the stories about the Block in their media news section at You can get up to date news by setting up a Google News alert at News Alerts will not pick up local media and some mainstream media stories which do not appear on a news website, where possible we put these stories on our website to provide wide access to the stories.
Vale – Peter Symon
Newspaper editors rarely allow the words “kindness”, “patience” and “socialism” to coexist in one sentence. However, you’ll need to indulge us, as we join the Guardian in remembrance of the life and times of our Comrade, Peter Symon reports Nick Tesoriero in the South Sydney Herald of March 2009.
Arranging Elderflowers – An interview with playwright Alana Valentine
Alana Valentine is a Redfern playwright with previous success in telling the stories of the South Sydney Rabbitohs in Run, Rabbit, Run, and the residents of Parramatta Girls’ Home in Parramatta Girls reports Eve Gibson in the South Sydney Herald of March 2009.
More trouble for Yiu Ming temple
The City of Sydney has just finished hosting festivities to welcome the Chinese New Year but the residents of the historic Yiu Ming temple complex have little to celebrate. The compound behind Botany Road has witnessed an ongoing saga over construction, with the latest development plans proposing an IGA supermarket and liquor store reports Tara Clifford in the South Sydney Herald of March 2009.
Additional Affordable Housing for Green Square and Ultimo
Federal Member for Sydney, Tanya Plibersek MP, recently toured affordable housing in Pyrmont, managed by City West Housing reports the South Sydney Herald of March 2009.
Sydney to host Edinburgh Military Tattoo
Sydney has beat New York, Melbourne and Auckland to win the right to host the Edinburgh Military Tattoo for the second time [and the replica castle is stored in Redfern] reports ABC News of 3 March 2009.
Broadway’s blockbuster : Carlton United site green light
Final approval has been given for the Broadway Carlton United Breweries site project, five years after it was first slated for redevelopment reports Robert Burton Bradley in Central of 25 February 2008..
Unis learn some hard lessons about their money
The state's top universities are fighting to hold the line against course and research cuts after losing hundreds of millions of dollars in investments exposed to falling financial markets reports Malcolm Knox in the Sydney Morning Herald of 24 February 2009.
Local Representation for All
Despite the Government's claim that the 2004 amalgamation of the City and South Sydney Councils was to improve the efficiency and quality of services, it has not addressed the duplication by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA) and the Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) says Clover Moore's eNews of Friday 20 February 2009 - No. 435.
Train tragics' heritage project on track
PUT the name Rowling into a story about a famous train and most people will think the Hogwarts Express reports Mark O’Brien in the St George and Sutherland Shire Leader of 19 February 2009.
1,200 Construction Jobs in Bigger, Greener Development for Carlton United Breweries
Premier Nathan Rees has announced changes to plans for the Carlton United Breweries site in Chippendale, which will deliver more open space for the local community and extra affordable housing reports this media release from the NSW Premier on 19 February 2009.
Premier announces approval of concept plan for Frasers Broadway site
Sydney – 19 February 2009 – Frasers Property today welcomed the New South Wales Government’s decision to approve the modified concept plan for the Frasers Broadway site (the old Carlton United Brewery) in Chippendale. This approval, from Planning Minister The Hon. Kristina Keneally, announced today by Premier The Hon. Nathan Rees, gives the green light to opening up this 5.8 hectare site in inner Sydney, closed to the public for 150 years reports this statement from Frasers on 19 February 2009.
Chippendale to become a “students’ playground”
Concerned by spiralling numbers of students at The University of Notre Dame (UND) in Chippendale, residents have used Freedom of Information (FOI) processes to access the university’s long-term development plans reports Emma Rugg in the City News of 19 February 2009.
Redfern is ‘the new Stalingrad’
Locals are calling it ‘Stalingrad’ – the concept plan now approved by the Department of Planning to drive the development of the old Eveleigh railyards along Wilson Street between Redfern and Newtown reports Michael Gormly in City News of 19 February 2009.
Former CUB site gets development tick
THE New South Wales Government has given the green light to the $1.3 billion redevelopment of Sydney's old Kent Brewery site which has the potential to create 6700 jobs reports AAP on 19 February 2009 in the Australian.
Redfern and Waterloo safer
Redfern and Waterloo are becoming safer according to an evaluation of the area’s first Safety Plan recently released by the City of Sydney reports Emma Rugg in City News of 18 February 2009.
Untie your chi for free
City Council has started offering free tai chi classes at parks in several suburbs, eliciting mixed responses from local businesses. The classes, provided by not-for-profit organisation SHARE, aim to provide a cheap exercise option for senior city residents. They began in late January, taking place in Eddie Ward Park on Tuesday and Victoria and Redfern Parks on Wednesday reports Matt Carr in City news 18 February 2009.
Unholy row to erupt again?
SOUTH SYDNEY residents are preparing for another period of uncertainty after Hillsong leader Brian Houston said the Christian group was "going to put all [its] efforts" into expanding its activities into Rosebery reports Robert Burton-Bradley in Central of 18th February 2009.
Stories to Sing
THE team behind the SBS series The First Australians has set to work on a new documentary about the indigenous history of Redfern writes Robert Burton-Bradley in Central of 18 February 2009.
Welcome to our land
Allen Madden believes knowing the past is the key to a better future for all Australians, writes TERRY SMYTH in The Sun Herald Extras of 15 February 2009.
Justice for TJ!
One hundred people marched through Redfern on February 14 to mark the fifth anniversary of the death of a young local Aboriginal man, TJ Hickey writes Aaron Benedek in Green Left Weekly of 15 February 2009.
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