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Media Articles on Redfern Waterloo

This is a selection of major news items about Redfern Waterloo from various media outlets. The AHC also has a good selection of the stories about the Block in their media news section at You can get up to date news by setting up a Google News alert at News Alerts will not pick up local media and some mainstream media stories which do not appear on a news website, where possible we put these stories on our website to provide wide access to the stories.
RWA Update Issue # 5 - 8 March 2010
RWA Update - 8 March 2010 - NEWS: Redfern: A Centre for Excellence / Premier highlights changing face of Redfern Waterloo / Human Services boost at the RWA / RWA CEO attends REDWatch meeting / Parking consultant engaged for Alexandria / Heritage update / RWA helps Babana find new home / New services map on RWA website / Coca Cola comes to Redfern Waterloo / Redfern Waterloo Newsletter at your doorstep / News from the ATP / WHAT’S ON: Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / REDWater Community Market – 20 March / Family and Culture Day on The Block – 27 March / Yaama Dhiyaan - 2010 dates / Koori Job Ready: Information Day on 7 April
Developers may get site uni seeks to house students
The housing needs of thousands of Sydney University students have been left hanging by the state government, which has failed to make a decision about a urban renewal site capable of providing mass accommodation reports Josephine Tovey in the Sydney Morning Herald of 5 March 2010.
SBS unveils Blackfella Films' projects
SBS TV has unveiled more details about its output deal with Blackfella Films, which will underpin a string of key projects for the broadcaster over the next three years reports Brendan Swift in Inside Film on 5 March 2010.
Housing NSW fails a dying Redfern woman
Housing NSW has defended accusations it neglected urgent repairs to the home of a woman dying of cancer reports Robert Burton-Bradley in Central of 3 March 2010.
Minister visits Centre of Indigenous Excellence
The Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, recently visited the new Centre of Indigenous Excellence in Redfern. It is, of course, a national project. Apart from some heckling by those present in relation to the continuing Federal Government National Intervention Programme, the Minister was well received reports the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
Alexandrians fear giant car park
Alexandria residents fear their suburb is at risk of becoming “a giant car park” as Chanel Seven moves into its newly built offices at the Australian Technology Park (ATP) reports Flint Duxfield in the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
Match of the day
Every Thursday afternoon, it all comes together at the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre reports the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
Brothers, where art thou?
For some, it is difficult to imagine a distinct and perpetual disempowerment within one’s own community. Yet according to 62-year-old Donald Clark, a Darlington-born man who has dedicated the majority of his adult life to issues of social justice, many Aboriginal men are plagued by feelings of non-involvement and isolation. The SSH spoke to Mr Clark about social exclusion and what the Babana Aboriginal Men’s Group is doing to combat it reports Laura Bannister in the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
The backdoor privatisation of public housing
“We consider, however, that housing is essentially an expression of the way of life of the people, and that, therefore, it is impossible to separate housing from a consideration of the broader aspects of the life of the people – from such questions, as how and where they earn their living, and how and where they spend their leisure.” (Ben Chifley, 1944 Commonwealth Housing Commission Report) Ross Smith writes in a comment piece in the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
Anger over M5 in Alexandria
Alexandrians are just as outraged as Tempe residents about NSW Government plans to build a new arterial road from the M5 east tunnel to the airport and inner-southern Sydney. Residents are unhappy about the lack of information about the new road and have said that there is “not enough time” for community feedback. The new arterial road, part of M5 corridor expansion, was announced last November reports Rita Mu in the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
Sydney housing “severely unaffordable”
Sydney has been ranked as one of the least affordable places in the world to buy a home, according to the latest Demographia annual international housing affordability survey. The results of the survey released in January rated Sydney housing as “severely unaffordable” reports Rita Mu in the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
Have you heard? - The fast news with Trevor Davies - March 2010
Trevor Davies in Have You Heard – The fast News in the South Sydney Herald of March 2010 has reported on a couple of Redfern Waterloo items which we have extracted below:
Editorial – SSH March 2010 - Homelessness
Twice a year the City’s Homelessness Unit conducts a Street Count. Last month 146 volunteers and 17 advisors worked through the night to count those in hostels and those sleeping rough throughout the City of Sydney area says the editorial in the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
Redfern’s purple patch
The new Purple Goanna café on Redfern Street in Redfern is an impressive establishment. Susie, Corey and Bianca offer first-class hospitality – and the coffee is smooth, delicious. I’m quite fussy when it comes to coffee, and I definitely recommend the Goanna blend reports John Lanzky in the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
Fighting for the village
An Erskineville community group says it will continue to campaign against over-development and big business, despite losing its battle against a new supermarket for the area. Friends Of Erskineville (FOE) member, Paul Howard, said: “Community groups are always formed around a specific issue ... but as a result of the passion that this community has shown to protect what they love, we will continue” reports Kelly Lane in the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
Festival in Surry Hills, 2010
The Surry Hills Neigbourhood Centre has announced that the Surry Hills Festival is returning to the Crown Street area for 2010 reports Robert Morrison in the South Sydney Herald of March 2010.
Award to celebrate women of NSW
Millie Ingram, an elder from Wiradjuri country who has spent the past 50 years in the Redfern-Waterloo area was one of 10 finalists in the NSW Woman of the Year award reported Jennie Curtin in the SMH of 1 March 2010.
EXHIBITION: JOSEPH KOSUTH - Anna Schwartz Gallery Eveleigh
Conceptual art couldn’t get more conceptual than that issued by American Joseph Kosuth, whose most famous work One and Three Chairs (1965) is a visual representation of Plato’s Theory of Forms housed at MoMa in New York. In it, a chair literally sits, is represented sitting in a photograph and is delineated by dictionary definition. Which is its truest form? This is art that questions art itself – which Kosuth further elaborated on in his Art After Philosophy (1969), asserting that it is necessary to separate aesthetics from art, to divorce it from decoration and return it its philosophical roots. All very heady. His latest exhibition at the appropriately austere Anna Schwartz Gallery is entitled ‘An Interpretation of This Title’: Nietzsche, Darwin and the Paradox of Content – showing his concerns have not shifted. In a large room painted grey are the lit-up sketches of a mad mathematician; rigid lines, species trees, map-like configurations, errant phrases. Kosuth himself describes the piece thus: “The device of the work is Friedrich Nietzsche’s relationship with the implications of Charles Darwin’s theories about human evolution.” A self-reflexive discourse with very little post-modern humour to lighten the load, but plenty of conceptual meat to evolve the brain.
Australian Technology Park — Community Meeting Update - 1 March 2010
The following letter was sent to interested resident concerning issues arising from the meeting of 15 December between Alexandria residents and the ATP. The letter advised the details of the Traffic Consultant engaged by the ATP to investigate issues raised by local residents.
Crowe's walls of fame tap a rich history to help players revive glory years
Archive discoveries inspire renewed passion to do justice to Souths' heritage, writes Josh Rakic in the Sydney Morning Herald of 28 February 2010.
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