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Media Articles on Redfern Waterloo

This is a selection of major news items about Redfern Waterloo from various media outlets. The AHC also has a good selection of the stories about the Block in their media news section at You can get up to date news by setting up a Google News alert at News Alerts will not pick up local media and some mainstream media stories which do not appear on a news website, where possible we put these stories on our website to provide wide access to the stories.
Redfern Station a Public Private Partnership - 01.03.2004
The Parliamentary Transport Secretary recently told the Herald that the upgrade of Redfern station (Which as we reported last month won’t start until at least 2010) will be a public private public partnership.
Will bulldozers make it better? - 18.02.2004
Blame the people, blame the politicians, blame the buildings. Elizabeth Farrelly wonders if architectural change offers any hope for Redfern.
1954: Sydney Slum-clearance Work Is Tardy, Piecemeal
The following article from a Staff Correspondent on the The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 17 February 1954, talks about the Slum clearance that lead to the public housing estates in Redfern and Waterloo which are now considered in need of urban renewal while the slum terraces sit in heritage areas as expensive real estate.
Home traders toss the buck
As Australia braces itself for recession, more Sydneysiders are beginning to take the economy into their own hands reports Angus Thompson in City News of 28 May 2009.
Needle Stick Issues in Caroline Street
Some residents in Caroline Lawson and surrounding area received a letter from a Caroline Street resident in early December who had received a needle stick injury from a needle over their back fence. The resident was concerned at the response from the needle Van and Council and wrote to surrounding residents. Below is an extract from their letter and a copy of a reply from council to the issues raised.
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