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Media Articles on Redfern Waterloo

This is a selection of major news items about Redfern Waterloo from various media outlets. The AHC also has a good selection of the stories about the Block in their media news section at You can get up to date news by setting up a Google News alert at News Alerts will not pick up local media and some mainstream media stories which do not appear on a news website, where possible we put these stories on our website to provide wide access to the stories.
Safety risk stops rail apartments - 04.12.2004
Anne Davies, State Political Editor of the SMH reports that: As Sydney grapples with how to accommodate its future population, a report to RailCorp has warned that building residential apartments over railway lines is "inherently problematic", could pose safety risks and inhibit growth of the rail network.
Action group wants law to ensure rights for residents - 01.12.2004
A residents' action group has called for the state upper house to tighten legislation next week handing one NSW minister sweeping powers over planning in Redfern-Waterloo, saying there are fears that people living there will be stripped of rights enjoyed by residents of local government-controlled areas.
Redfern changes the first of many under growth plan - 01.12.2004
The State Government is considering setting up a body to take charge of some of Sydney's run-down corridors and employment and industrial centres as it fine tunes plans to cope with the city's projected growth.
Redfern and social engineering - 30.11.2004
That a single body through which to control the redevelopment of the vast tract of land through Redfern, Waterloo and Alexandria is a sound idea is unarguable. The central business district is restricted geographically, and ambitious new plans are needed for its future expansion and growth.
Mistrust and hope struggle for a hearing - 30.11.2004
The plan to create a powerful authority to take control of Aboriginal-owned housing at the Block in Redfern would only help a few black people while sweeping aside self-determination, a Sydney indigenous leader has said.
How they will breathe life into Redfern - 30.11.2004
Two new road tunnels, a $35 million upgrade of Redfern station and a new residential development in the Eveleigh goods yards are central to the State Government's transport plans for the inner-city suburbs.
Railway workshops defended as priceless heritage jewel - 30.11.2004
The Eveleigh railway workshops site, which will face development with no heritage protection once it moves under the control of the new Redfern-Waterloo Authority, has been described as "an industrial icon for NSW and Australia".
Revealed: how Redfern will be reborn - 29.11.2004
The State Government has a $5 billion plan to redevelop Redfern and the surrounding suburbs that involves seizing control of Aboriginal housing on the Block and letting private developers take over two-thirds of the area's public housing estates.
Secret business puts a community at risk - 29.11.2004
The Redfern-Waterloo Authority Bill gives one minister immense power, writes Elizabeth Farrelly.
State significant: another step in redistribution of powers - 29.11.2004
The State Government's plans to rejuvenate the troubled inner-city suburbs reveal a broader agenda to strip planning powers from local councils in specific areas or along corridors that it thinks need renewal.
Goodbye to history - heritage laws won't apply here - 29.11.2004
History will be swept aside in one of Sydney's oldest areas to clear the way for the massive remaking of 340 hectares of land covering four suburbs under NSW Government plans.
Bold vision for technology park blurred in a haze of debt - 29.11.2004
One of the many things to emerge from the confidential government papers is the financial troubles of the taxpayer-funded experiment, Australian Technology Park.
Fixing the Block: $27m development planned - 29.11.2004
A powerful new State Government authority will take control of Aboriginal lands on the "Block" at Redfern for at least 20 years as part of a huge redevelopment plan aimed at fixing social ills and lifting the area's property prices.
Grand plan to transform suburbs into a new North Sydney - 29.11.2004
Redfern is to become the new North Sydney to take pressure off an overcrowded CBD, according to the NSW Government's grand plan for the area.
Maximising market value the main game - 29.11.2004
One reason for the secret plan for Redfern is money. The cabinet papers say that the market value of developments in the area is almost $5 billion and almost one third of the land is owned by the Government.
Open space to get tighter - 29.11.2004
The residents of Redfern and Waterloo have only half the amount of open space as other inner-city suburbs. But by the time a secret government plan for redevelopment is finished, they will have less than a quarter - because the existing population will have doubled.
Towers demolished as aid to social levelling - 29.11.2004
The distinctive high-rise public housing towers of Redfern and Waterloo could be pulled down under a $540 million plan that allows private developers to profit from government land.
Major plan to redevelop Redfern - 29.11.2004
The NSW Government has a secret $5 billion plan to redevelop Redfern by seizing control of Aboriginal housing on the Block and letting developers take over two-thirds of the area's public housing estates.
Block talks under way - 04.11.2004
A week after announcing the creation of a powerful new Redfern/Waterloo authority, Energy Minister Frank Sartor begins talks with community groups.
New Redfern policing package needs more Aboriginal strategies
Very few Aboriginal strategies as set out in the Aboriginal Strategic Directions policy have been included in the recent Government package of 32 strategies and initiatives for enhancing policing in Redfern, writes Geoffrey Turnbull.
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