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Abercrombie Precinct Development – Display Eveleigh Markets Sat 11 Feb 2012
Sydney Uni will be at the Eveleigh Markets on Saturday 11 February between 8am and 1pm for drop in sessions with locals. The University Of Sydney Design Team are close to finalising the revised plans for their Abercrombie Street Business School. This is a great opportunity for you to view the plans and speak with representatives of the project team. If you can't make it to the markets, project information and a model will be on display in the foyer of the University’s Services Building, 22 Codrington Street, from Monday 20 February until Tuesday 20 March. The foyer is accessible between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.
Located in Other RW Issues / University of Sydney
Dept Health Redfern Community Coinsultation
As part of its ongoing consultation with the local community, Sydney Local Health District will hold a community forum in October, to discuss public health issues and the needle and syringe program in Redfern. This meeting will discuss the proposal for a needle dispensing machine in front of the Redfern Health Centre.
Located in Past Events
Lift Redfern Campaign Meeting Postponed
This meeting has been postponed due to clash with the Premiere of REDFERN Now on the Block on 31 October. We will set a new date and advertise as soon as possible.
Located in Past Events
REDWatch Monthly Meeting
Come along to the monthly REDWatch meeting and meet others who live and work in the area and to discuss local issues and how we should engauge with Government.
Located in Past Events
Easy Cooking on a Budget
Easy Cooking on a Budget – New course Wednesdays 9:30 – 1pm starting on the 18th August, at our place , Poets corner Shops Redfern Ring to book place in this cooking programme
Located in Past Events
What is the future role of the NGO Human Services Sector?
We’ve come a long way in 75 years but what issues still need our attention? How will NSW become a fairer place to live? Days to Go Fairness in NSW
Located in Past Events
CoS - City South Community Forum
Located in Past Events
Waterloo Residents Green Action Group
The first session will be a joint presentation by Housing NSW and the Department of Commerce regarding the landscape plan for Waterloo Green. After the presentations lunch will be provided at 12, following which we will reconvene and agencies will be giving feedback on the progress of the implementation of the Waterloo Green Action Plan. This group is for any precinct rep, Volunteer, resident or agency, involved with tackling ongoing concerns about community safety in that green area.
Located in Past Events
Frasers Broadway Community Information Session – Wednesday 9 July, 2008 5pm
Frasers have arranged a Community Information Session for Wednesday 9 July 2008 from 5pm to 8pm at the Fosters Brewery Office, Broadway on their Amended Concept Plan which should by then be on exhibition.
Located in Past Events
REDWatch – This Month’s Meeting Tuesday 1st July 2008 6pm
Council has rearranged its Redfern Community Forum to the night that REDWatch normally meets, so the REDWatch meeting will be bought forward to Tuesday 1st July at The Factory. The July meeting will follow up on the North Eveleigh Concept Plan by looking at the University’s plans for the area.
Located in Past Events