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Draft Eveleigh Railway Workshops Interpretation Plan on Public Exhibition until 6 April 2011
The RWA has placed on exhibition Draft Interpretation Plan and Implementation Strategy for the former Eveleigh Railway Workshops. The Plan has been prepared for the RWA's Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce by 3D Projects in association with Artscape and Only Human.
Located in Government Sites Plans & Activities / Eveleigh Rail Heritage / Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce
Expression of Interest - Indigenous seat on Heritage Taskforce
Nominations are now open for Indigenous people to participate as a member of the Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce for 2010. Nominations close 25 February 2010.
Located in Government Sites Plans & Activities / / RWA Structure & Committees / Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce
File 1917: The Great Strike - Community Day - 5 August 2017
There will be heritage activities on 5 August at ATP, Carriageworks and The Chief Mechanical Engineers Building at Eveleigh as part of a Heritage Community Day. This is the program to these events on 5 August.
Located in Government Sites Plans & Activities / Eveleigh Rail Heritage / Remembering Eveleigh's Workers
Waterloo Metro Heritage Viewing - 10 Feb 2018
A heritage viewing of the Metro Waterloo site is being held on Saturday 10 February between 2pm and 4pm. Their heritage consultant will be present to describe the finds and answer any questions. Interested parties need to RSVP to as spaces are limited.
Located in Government Sites Plans & Activities / Waterloo Public Housing & Metro Station Redevelopment / Waterloo Metro Tunnel and Excavation