Draft Eveleigh Railway Workshops Interpretation Plan on Public Exhibition until 6 April 2011
The specific aims of the Plan are to:
- Guide and facilitate interpretation of the site’s heritage significance as a conservation process designed to sustain the site’s authenticity and character as the sites are developed;
- Identify existing audiences and visitor experiences on the Eveleigh site, including workers, neighbours resident in the district, tourists and school groups, as well as to explore opportunities to enhance visitor numbers and experiences in each of these categories;
- Achieve enhanced public understanding of the history of the area and its significance to residents, workers and visitors by fostering active links with the community, as well as with tourism, education and recreation activities;
- Ensure interpretive devices and their content have the potential to engage and provoke public interest, are viable, accessible, sustainable (in relation to maintenance, evaluation and review) reversible (in relation to heritage fabric) and compatible with the sites for which they are chosen.
As part of the preparation of the Interpretation Plan for the former Eveleigh Rail Yards a community consultation field day was held on 30 October 2010 at Innovation Plaza, Australian Technology Park. A Field Day Report containing details of the day’s activities is currently in preparation and will be available for download on the Redfern Waterloo Authority’s website shortly.
For further information contact Juliet Suich on 9202 9100 or by email on Juliet.Suich@smda.nsw.gov.au .
The DRAFT Interpretation Plan is on exhibition between 9 March and 6 April 2011. Download a copy of the DRAFT Interpretation Plan (3MB PDF)
Make a submission in relation to the Interpretation Plan to reception@rwa.nsw.gov.au.
Submissions close Wednesday 6 April 2011 at 5pm.
REDWatch Notes
- REDWatch's April 2011 meeting on 7th April will focus on Heritage and we will hopefully have a presentation on the proposal.
- A DA for ATP's Bays 1 & 2 North is expected to go on exhibition in the next few days - www.redfernwaterloo.nsw.gov.au/development_applications/development_proposals_on_exhibition.htm