RWA Structure & Committees
This section provides some public information about the structure of the RWA, its board and committees.
- Operational Structure
- Details of how the RWA is organised.
- Board
- Details of the RWA Board makeup.
- Ministerial Advisory Committees Terms of Refernce
- The following are the Terms of Reference for the Ministerial Advisory Committees dated 16 June 2005. These Terms of Reference were also circulated to those offered positions on Ministerial Advisory Committees in October 2009. Note the continued inclusion of Item 4 which has has still not been implimented.
- Built Environment Advisory Committee
- The Built Environment Advisory committee considers urban design, traffic, public access, public transport, land use, affordable housing and urban renewal.
- Employment and Enterprise Advisory Committee
- The Employment and Enterprise Advisory Committee considers strategies to increase job and business opportunities in the area, including the Indigenous community.
- Human Services Advisory Committee
- The Human Services (HSAC) was created out of the Human Services Implimentation Working Group which was set up by the RWPP to impliment the first stage of the Morgan Disney report into Human Services. The decision to absorb the RWPP functions into the RWA saw the HSAC continue this function but also become the first of the RWA's ministerial advisory committtees. Some changes to the makeup of the HSAC were advised when the RWA website went live on 7 October 2005. The membership of the HSMAC was reviewed in July 2007 with the chairing being taken over by the RWA CEO from the joint chairing of the RWA Reforming Human Services Manager and the Director of NCOSS. While NCOSS remains represented the representative of local NGO Human Service providers was removed and not replaced.
- Human Services CEO Steering Committee
- The Human Services CEO Steering Committee was established by the Minister with responsibility for Redfern-Waterloo to oversee the development of the Human Services Plan. The CEO Steering Committee will advise the Minister on the content of the Human Services Plan.
- Implementation Senior Officers Group
- The Implementation Senior Officers Group was established in the Human Services Plan in 2005.
- Youth TaskForce
- The Youth Taskforce was set up in December 2005 and meets monthly
- Family Violence Taskforce
- The Family Violence Taskforce was established in March 2006 and meets monthly.
- Youth Health Services Working Group
- The Youth Health Services Working Group was set up in April 2006 and meets monthly
- Capacity Building Taskforce
- The Capacity Building Taskforce was set up in January 2006 and meets monthy
- Street Drinking Taskforce
- The Street Drinking Taskforce was anounced in the January 2006 RWA Update
- Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce
- The Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce (RWHT) was set up late 2009 by Mininster for Redfern Waterloo Kristina Keneally with the purpose of "to identify opportunities for the active conservation, interpretation and, where appropriate, the adaptive reuse of the cultural, natural and archaeological heritage of the Redfern Waterloo area in tandem with the revitalisation and renewal of the area. The Taskforce seeks to achieve enhanced public understanding of the history of the area and its significance to residents, workers and visitors and will include the promotion of the unique heritage and culture of this area through the fostering of active links with the community, as well as with tourism, education and recreation activities."