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REDWatch – This Month’s Meeting Tuesday 1st July 2008 6pm
Council has rearranged its Redfern Community Forum to the night that REDWatch normally meets, so the REDWatch meeting will be bought forward to Tuesday 1st July at The Factory. The July meeting will follow up on the North Eveleigh Concept Plan by looking at the University’s plans for the area.
Located in Past Events
Frasers Broadway Community Information Session – Wednesday 9 July, 2008 5pm
Frasers have arranged a Community Information Session for Wednesday 9 July 2008 from 5pm to 8pm at the Fosters Brewery Office, Broadway on their Amended Concept Plan which should by then be on exhibition.
Located in Past Events
REDWatch Monthly Meeting - 4th June 6pm
Come along to the REDWatch Meeting which this month will be focusing on the RWA's North Eveleigh Concept Plan.
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Waterloo Residents Green Action Group
The first session will be a joint presentation by Housing NSW and the Department of Commerce regarding the landscape plan for Waterloo Green. After the presentations lunch will be provided at 12, following which we will reconvene and agencies will be giving feedback on the progress of the implementation of the Waterloo Green Action Plan. This group is for any precinct rep, Volunteer, resident or agency, involved with tackling ongoing concerns about community safety in that green area.
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South Sydney Interagency
South Sydney Interagency is a generalist interagency that will includes all community services in South Sydney looking at how they relate to each other and the community. Please come along and let us know what you are doing, what your concerns are and hear about the other services in your locality.
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Support Inquiry into Planning Legislation Changes
Support Community Rights Take Action! Your chance to support calls for an inquiry into the planning legislation changes. Speakers: Genia McCaffery, president Local Government Association. Mayor, North Sydney Council Graham Quint, conservation director Nation Trust NSW Nick Ebbeck, Mayor, Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council Jeff Angel, Director, Total Environment Centre John Mant, Lawyer, Urban Planner Jack Mundy, Activist
Located in Past Events
REDWatch Community Submission Writing BBQ on North Eveleigh Concept Plan
Join REDWatch for a COMMUNITY SUBMISSION WRITING BBQ 31st May between 11am and 1pm at the park on the corner of Abercrombie & Shepherd Streets Darlington.
Located in Past Events
Macquarie Street Ethics - Will things ever Change ?
This Forum is being run by the Darlington Branch of the ALP.
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Northern Territory Intervention Forum
Vince Forrester will be speaking about the negative impacts of the Northern Territory Intervention on his people at a public forum at the Redfern Community Centre, 6pm on April 14.
Located in Past Events
REDWatch Meeting
REDWatch Monthly meeting - All welcome. REDWatch is the residents and Friends group that covers the suburbs of Redfern, Eveleigh, Darlington and Waterloo. Come along and meet others who live and work in the area and discuss what is happening in your area.
Located in Past Events