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SOCIALIST ALLIANCE - Marrickville - Background – Pip Hinman
SOCIALIST ALLIANCE – MARRICKVILLE - Defend the Redfern Block, abolish the RWA
The reason for the existence of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) can be summed up in just two words: corporate greed writes Pip Hinman, Socialist Alliance ...
The great Marrickville debate
Residents from the seat of Marrickville gathered at the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre in February to hear from Labor incumbent Carmel Tebbutt and competing ...
Socialist Alliance response to REDWatch questionnaire
By Pip Hinman, Socialist Alliance candidate for Marrickville
18 January 2007
In this Update: CarriageWorks Open Weekend – 20 & 21 January 2007 / Community Consultation for National Indigenous Development Centre / Exodus Foundation will ...