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You are here: Home / Our Community / Elections / State Election – March 24th 2007 / The State seat of Marrickville / SOCIALIST ALLIANCE – Pip Hinman / SOCIALIST ALLIANCE - Marrickville - Background – Pip Hinman

SOCIALIST ALLIANCE - Marrickville - Background – Pip Hinman

Candidate’s Name:                  Pip Hinman

Candidate’s Contact Details:

                                                (PO Box 114, Broadway NSW 2007).
                                                23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale NSW 2008.

Candidate’s Profile: http:         Pip Hinman:candidate for Marrickville

Candidate’s Website:               www.socialist-alliance.org/sydney/

Party’s Website:                       http://www.socialist-alliance.org/

Newtown Neighbourhood Centre Questions: Pip Hinman Response

South Sydney Herald Profile:    none

REDWatch website:                  Search REDWatch site for Pip Hinman

Any Website Content of specific relevance to Redfern Waterloo area and issues: