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HNSW Workshop - Connections & Local Facilities - 28 Sept
Are you interested in learning more about planning for better Connections and Local Facilities, Connections & Local Facilities are the September 2011 focus for Housing NSW's Master Plan discussions. Programme includes bus trips to community centres on 21 Sept and Workshops repeated on Sat 24 September, Wednesday 28 (Russian & Chinese) and Thursday 29 September (English & Indigenous).
Located in Past Events
HNSW Workshop - Connections & Local Facilities - 29 Sept
Are you interested in learning more about planning for better Connections and Local Facilities, Connections & Local Facilities are the September 2011 focus for Housing NSW's Master Plan discussions. Programme includes bus trips to community centres on 21 Sept and Workshops repeated on Sat 24 September, Wednesday 28 (Russian & Chinese) and Thursday 29 September (English & Indigenous).
Located in Past Events
REDWatch BEP2 Meeting with RWA & HNSW - 3 February 2011
REDWatch invites you to a presentation by RWA CEO Roy Wakelin-King, RWA Planning Staff and Senior HNSW Staff followed by questions and answers about - RWA’s Draft BEP 2 - Planning Controls for the Redevelopment of the Consolidated Redfern and Waterloo Public Housing Estates. Below are details of the meeting and a brief overview by REDWatch of what is in and not in the BEP2 Plan.
Located in Past Events
Planning Day - 12th World Festival of Children's Theatre 2012
Calling all children workers, event organisers, fund raisers, and community arts workers – we need your help and expertise.
Located in Past Events
Sydney University's presentation on Abercrombie Precinct - 16 Nov 2010
Come along to an informal information session to hear our plans for the Abercrombie precinct and to tell us what you think. This is the first session in an ongoing discussion. Experts will be on hand to hear your comments and answer your questions. your views are important to us. The site under discussion is bounded by Abercrombie St, Codrington St, Darlington Lane and Darlington School and has Department of Planning Director General's Requirements for development under Part 3A of the EPA.
Located in Other RW Issues / University of Sydney
HNSW Tour of New Walker Street Site
Housing NSW’s is conducting tours of their new development in Redfern. The development project was awarded a 5 Star Green Star rating. The 106 dwellings comprise a mixture of one and two bedroom apartments and townhouses. This will be the only opportunity to see the new development before people move in. It is being provided to show residents an option of how parts of the redevelopment of HNSW propertiers in Redfern Waterloo may be done as part of HNSW Master Planning for the renewal of the areas public housing.
Located in Past Events
HNSW Bus Tour of Planning Issues
Interested in having a say about the renewal plans for Redfern and Waterloo? Join us on a fun bus trip to learn all about planning issues. RSVP to Tuyen Duong essential.
Located in Past Events
Eveleigh Open Day & Consultation
Former Eveleigh Rail Yards Interpretation Plan Community Consultation
Located in Government Sites Plans & Activities / Eveleigh Rail Heritage / Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce
Community Information Meeting - Offender Services Darlington Offices
A community meeting has been organised by the Corective Services NSW about the facility propoposed for 145-151 Cleveland Street Darlington. This will be held at 6pm, Wednesday, 13 October at the Yaama Dhiyaan Centre, 255 Wilson Street, Darlington.
Located in Past Events
Waterloo Community Forum with Member (and Premier of NSW), Kristina Keneally – -
The Local Member hosts this meeting with Government and non-government agencies and residents. It is a great opportunity for you to raise any concerns about your local area and find out about the various projects and developments that are happing.
Located in Past Events