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Community Information Meeting - Offender Services Darlington Offices

A community meeting has been organised by the Corective Services NSW about the facility propoposed for 145-151 Cleveland Street Darlington. This will be held at 6pm, Wednesday, 13 October at the Yaama Dhiyaan Centre, 255 Wilson Street, Darlington.

Event details


Oct 13, 2010
from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM


Yaama Dhiyaan Centre, 255 Wilson Street, Darlington

Contact Name

Corrective Services NSW

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A DA is currently on exhibition for use and fit-out to a public building for Corrective Services NSW providing community offender services. Works consist of internal and external works. External works include a new shopfront and removal of driveway to Cleveland Street, new vehicular crossing to Vine Lane, removal of roller shutter door and new to property boundary. Proposed hours of operation for public access are between 8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday and Friday, and between 8:00am and 8:00pm, Tuesday to Thursday. Limted 24 hour access to building for some members of staff.

THe documents can be viewed at

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