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On the 1st of July every year, Torres Strait Islanders acknowledge the 1871 arrival of Christianity on Erub Island in the Torres Strait. In Sydney this year there will be much more than going to church and feasting. Acknowledging that July One or its Creole equivalent, ‘Zulai 1’ is no longer restricted to celebrating Christianity, the Lagaw Kodo Mir Torres Strait Islander Resource and Culture Centre NSW, with the support of the Australia Council for the Arts, have organised a week long exhibition of high profile Islander artists and performances. The week of festivities will culminate with an Ecumenical service and feasting on Sunday 6th July at the Redfern Town Hall. TIME TO BE CONFIRMED
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Save Leamington Avenue Meeting - 5 July 2010
Residents of Leamington Ave have arranged a meeting at Darlington Public School from 5.15pm to 7.15 pm for local residents and supporters to inform people about the Transport NSW Plans and to discuss community action. The text of their leaflet can be found below:
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NCIE (NIDC) Youth Advisory Committee Nominations - Until Friday May 29th 2009
The YMCA is calling for applications from young persons between 12 and 18 years to infom the YMCA on youth issues at the National Indigenous Development Centre (NIDC) in Redfern.
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Welcome-African Morning Tea at South Sydney Community Aid
For the diverse African communities living in greater Sydney Metro-politan area. There will be three guest speakerspeakers (Baker, from Marrickville Migrant Resource Centre) (Margaret from Sierra Leonean Community Marrickville and Helen Compel from Redfern Legal Centre.
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Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board
The Neighbourhood Advisory Boards (NAB) are made up of elected tenant representatives, and both Government and Non-Government agencies, who work together to discuss and address issues and concerns important to tenants on the Public Housing Estates. The NABs were set up so that tenants could be involved in making decisions and discussing issues and concerns that affect those who live on the estates. Agencies, who provide services in the area, are also involved in working with the community.
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Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board
The Neighbourhood Advisory Boards (NAB) are made up of elected tenant representatives, and both Government and Non-Government agencies, who work together to discuss and address issues and concerns important to tenants on the Public Housing Estates. The NABs were set up so that tenants could be involved in making decisions and discussing issues and concerns that affect those who live on the estates. Agencies, who provide services in the area, are also involved in working with the community.
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HNSW Tour of New Walker Street Site
Housing NSW’s is conducting tours of their new development in Redfern. The development project was awarded a 5 Star Green Star rating. The 106 dwellings comprise a mixture of one and two bedroom apartments and townhouses. This will be the only opportunity to see the new development before people move in. It is being provided to show residents an option of how parts of the redevelopment of HNSW propertiers in Redfern Waterloo may be done as part of HNSW Master Planning for the renewal of the areas public housing.
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HNSW Bus Tour of Planning Issues
Interested in having a say about the renewal plans for Redfern and Waterloo? Join us on a fun bus trip to learn all about planning issues. RSVP to Tuyen Duong essential.
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Walking tour of University & 2020 Masterplan Meeting - 23rd August 2008
At the City of Sydney's North Eveleigh Community Forum, University of Sydney announced a tour of the University was being planned to enable residents to find out more about the University and its plans.
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Darlington Food Garden Meeting - Saturday 15 May 2010, 2pm - 5pm
When Council talked to local residents about upgrading Charles Kernan Reserve it was suggested it might include a food garden. In response an area has now been set aside for food growing, and will be developed as part of the renewal of the reserve. Council are holding a meeting for those who wish to be involved with the Food Garden on May 15. The letter sent to those who expressed an interest earlier is below.
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