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Welcome-African Morning Tea at South Sydney Community Aid

For the diverse African communities living in greater Sydney Metro-politan area. There will be three guest speakerspeakers (Baker, from Marrickville Migrant Resource Centre) (Margaret from Sierra Leonean Community Marrickville and Helen Compel from Redfern Legal Centre.

Event details


May 08, 2009
from 12:30 AM to 04:00 AM


Alexandria Town Hall 73 Garden Street Alexandria

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For whom: For the diverse African communities living in greater Sydney Metro-politan area.

Will be discussed: Challenges faced by African Communities such as Education system- Legal system, Employment.

There will be: Sierra Leonean Dance Music which will perform a reminding dance music, it will be enjoyment moment.

There will be: Light refreshment and Coffee, Tea, Juices, FREE. If you are interested in the above event,

Please contact Than Leach - Abdi, Margret 02-93194073- 0423511881 - 0422364970

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