You are here: Home / Coming Events / Darlington Food Garden Meeting - Saturday 15 May 2010, 2pm - 5pm

Darlington Food Garden Meeting - Saturday 15 May 2010, 2pm - 5pm

When Council talked to local residents about upgrading Charles Kernan Reserve it was suggested it might include a food garden. In response an area has now been set aside for food growing, and will be developed as part of the renewal of the reserve. Council are holding a meeting for those who wish to be involved with the Food Garden on May 15. The letter sent to those who expressed an interest earlier is below.

Event details


May 15, 2010
from 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM


Redfern Community Centre 29-53 Hugo Street Redfern

Contact Name

Contact Phone

9265 9786

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12 April 2010

Our reference: S065942 File Number: 2010/070265

Dear Resident,

Your new local food garden

When we talked to local residents about upgrading Charles Kernan Reserve, you suggested we might put in a food garden.

In response to your request an area has now been set aside for food growing, and will be developed as part of the renewal of the reserve.

A meeting has been organised to bring people together who are interested in developing and caring for this communal garden. If you want to be involved in this exciting project please come along on:

Saturday 15 May 2010, 2pm - 5pm
Redfern Community Centre
29-53 Hugo Street Redfern

For a complete plan of the improvements to the park please see over the page (see Plan of Charles Kernan Reserve Showing Food Garden ).

The City's Sustainable Sydney 2030 plan for a green, global and connected city can be achieved only through partnerships with you — our residents. Our community gardens program is an innovative way communities and the City can work together to enjoy and improve local green spaces, and share ideas about sustainable food.

Once a community group has been set up for this project, follow-up meetings will be organised to help plan and build the garden. These meetings will take place after work on the reserve is complete.

Please RSVP to the meeting by Monday 9 May 2010 by contacting Council's Community Gardrden Coordinator, Annie Walker on 9265 9786 or by email -

Yours sincerely


Director - City; Community and Cultural Services; Community and Cultural Services


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