Inner City Domestic Violence Action Group, Redfern Legal Centre, Mudgin-gal Women's Centre and City of Sydney awareness day is at Redfern Park
Activities include live entertainment, a free BBQ lunch, information stalls, kids activities, guest speakers and white ribbon workshops.
The white ribbons are a sign that the wearer believes that violence towards women is unacceptable.
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Past Events
A New Planning System for NSW Green Paper - Until 14 Sept
The NSW Government is creating a planning system for the 21st century. A planning system focussed on the public interest. A planning system that places people and their choices at the heart of planning decisions about their future. On 14 July 2012, the NSW Government released A New Planning System for New South Wales – Green Paper, a bold step in the development of a new planning system for the State. The Green Paper outlines major changes in five key areas of the planning system, these are: * involving the community early in guiding planning decisions that will shape the growth and future of our cities, towns, and neighbourhoods; * placing much more emphasis on preparing good policies upfront to guide growth and development; * reducing red tape and delay for the assessment of development applications for all types of proposals; * ensuring that infrastructure is planned and delivered to support new and existing communities; * promoting a ‘can do’ culture in the planning system and ensuring that councils and the government are accountable for delivering the results they have committed to; and * providing greater access to information about planning policies, planning decisions, and your rights in the planning process.
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Consultation Links
Abercrombie Precinct Development – Community Workshop 6pm Thurs 9 Feb 2012
The University Of Sydney Design Team are close to finalising the revised plans for their Abercrombie Street Business School. They are holding a community information session. This session will include an update on our plans and give you an opportunity to provide your feedback, to help ensure we get this precinct right for the future.
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Other RW Issues
University of Sydney
Abercrombie Precinct Development – Display Eveleigh Markets Sat 11 Feb 2012
Sydney Uni will be at the Eveleigh Markets on Saturday 11 February between 8am and 1pm for drop in sessions with locals. The University Of Sydney Design Team are close to finalising the revised plans for their Abercrombie Street Business School. This is a great opportunity for you to view the plans and speak with representatives of the project team. If you can't make it to the markets, project information and a model will be on display in the foyer of the University’s Services Building, 22 Codrington Street, from Monday 20 February until Tuesday 20 March. The foyer is accessible between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.
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Other RW Issues
University of Sydney
Abercrombie Precinct Development – RAIDD Workshop 9.15am Tues 7 Feb 2012
The University Of Sydney Design Team are close to finalising the revised plans for their Abercrombie Street Business School. They are holding a series of meetings with different groups. This session is for people conected to the RAIDD residents group. This session will include an update on our plans and give you an opportunity to provide your feedback, to help ensure we get this precinct right for the future. A public session will be held on Thursday 9 Feb at 6pm.
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Other RW Issues
University of Sydney
AGM of the Redfern and Waterloo Chamber of Commerce
Networking Event – Jan Campbell from City of Sydney on the Redfern Business Study & Council’s Response
Redfern Stadium Community Room Chalmers Street, RedfernThis is the new Council community room above the coffee shop on the northern end of the Redfern Oval stand
The AGM will be part of one of our regular networking functions which starts at 5.30 on 23 September. The speaker at the meeting on the 23 September is Jan Campbell, the City of Sydney’s Business Precincts Manager. Jan will talk about the “Redfern Business Precinct Study” and Council’s actions with the Chamber to address the issues raised. Jan will speak at 6.30 immediately following the AGM.
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Past Events
ATP - Channel 7 Building Community Information Meeting - Tuesday 15th December 6pm
A community information meeting is being held so that local residents, ATP tenants and businesses can find out about the arrival of Channe7 and its partner companies, and how the building and surrounding area will operate. The meeting is organised by the RWA & ATP.
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Past Events
ATP Conservation Management Plan Consultation – Monday 7th December 4-6pm
Godden Mackay Logan are working on the revised CMP for the ATP and MacLaren North is working on the Section 170 Register. As part of the CMP revision there will be a consultation about the CMP revision on 7th December 2009 between 4-6pm at the ATP. There is concern as some equipment covered previously by the 1995 CMP and and the Management Plan for Moveablew Items has been marked with large pink crosses and tagged for disposal before any consultation.
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Past Events
Australian Technology Park—Conservation Management Plan—Feedback Requested
Following is the text of a letter sent out by Godden Mackay Logan on behalf of Australian Technology Park Precinct Management Limited (ATPPM) advising REDWatch and others of an Information and Consultation Session on the Conservation Management Plan for the Australian Technology Park on 7 December 2009. Godden Mackay Logan have requested feedback ASAP from anyone with an interest in the ATP CMP that might help them with the CMP revision. This can be made on the feedback form or by answering the questions at the foot of this page.
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2004-2012 Statements
Media Articles on Redfern Waterloo 2004 - 2013
Aboriginal Men's Group
New members welcome. Lunch provided
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Past Events