South Eveleigh Train Workshop Redevelopment (Large Erecting Shop)
In June 2022 Mirvac did a pre-lodgement consultation for a rezoning of the Large Erecting Shop which has been renamed the "South Eveleigh Train Workshop". This section deals with the redevelopment of this heritage site. The rezoning is being down by Transport for NSW on behalf of Mirvac. The site has been used as an operational and restoration base for heritage locomotives and trains since it became the operational base for 3801 Ltd. Mirvac secured first rights on the site should it become surplus to Transport for NSW needs. This transfer is being planned as the site still contains important state heritage assets.
- Study Requirements for the Rezoning of the South Eveleigh Train Workshop (Large Erecting Shop)
- This link provides the study requirements for the rezoning studies required by the Department of Planning and Environment to rezone the Large Erecting Shop which is on the state heritage register as the South Eveleigh Train Workshop.
- REDWatch comments on LES use by Mirvac
- Mirvac held two two information sessions on the future of the Large Erecting Shop (LES) on 31 May and 1 June 2022 about their pre-planning for the redevelopment of the South Eveleigh Large Erecting Shop. Below is the background to this development prepared by REDWatch.
- Large Erecting Shop rezoning proposal Exhibition until 24 Nov 2022
- The Department of Planning and Environment have a rezoning proposal for the Large Erecting Shop (LES) on exhibition now until 24 November. This exhibition is about changing the planning controls that apply to this site prior to what is proposed to be a State Significant Development Application (SSDA) that will deal with the detailed design. REDWatch only learnt about this exhibition on 4 November evening and it was supposed to end 10th November. REDWatch has not had time to dig into all the documents. Below is a quick guide to the key issues REDWatch is aware of.
- REDWatch Update on LES Exhibition until 24 November
- This update was provided in the REDWatch email update on 15 November 2022 to provide additional information about REDWatch's concerns over the Large Erecting Shop Exhibition.
- City of Sydney Submission on Large Erecting Shop Rezoning Proposal
- This is a copy of the City of Sydney's submission Large Erecting Shop Rezoning Proposal. This submission was posted prior to submissions closing on 24 November 2022 to encourage residents to consider the issues and to make an informed submission on the rezoning.
- REDWatch Submission on Large Erecting Shop (LES)
- This is a copy of the REDWatch LES submission of 24 November 2022. Given that the site has not yet been transferred to Mirvac and there are a number of NSW Government players involved and their decisions will impact the final site outcome, REDWatch have raised a number of these issues in its submission. Some of which will be outside the direct scope of the rezoning but will impact upon the final outcome for the LES redevelopment and on what should be acceptable additional floor space within the LES.
- City of Sydney Supplementary Submission on Large Erecting Shop Rezoning Proposal
- This is a copy of the City of Sydney's supplementary submission Large Erecting Shop Rezoning Proposal. This submission reflects Council consideration after the initial submission was lodged and contains the text of a Council submission dated 21 November 2022.
- Save the Large Erecting Shed Flyer
- This flyer on the large Erecting Shed was produced by the Rail Tram and Bus Union Retired Members Association in November 2022 when the Rezoning for the LES was proposed.