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ATP Conservation Management Plan Consultation – Monday 7th December 4-6pm

Godden Mackay Logan are working on the revised CMP for the ATP and MacLaren North is working on the Section 170 Register. As part of the CMP revision there will be a consultation about the CMP revision on 7th December 2009 between 4-6pm at the ATP. There is concern as some equipment covered previously by the 1995 CMP and and the Management Plan for Moveablew Items has been marked with large pink crosses and tagged for disposal before any consultation.

Event details


Dec 08, 2009
from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM


Meeting room 6A, Level 1, Bay 6 Locomotive Workshops (please enter via Bay 8)

Contact Name

Jane Vernon at Godden Mackay Logan

Contact Phone

02 9319 4811

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The letter circulated about the Public Information / Consultation Meeting states:

Australian Technology Park—Conservation Management Plan—Public Information Session

Australian Technology Park Precinct Management Limited (ATPPM) has commissioned Godden Mackay Logan, Heritage consultants, to prepare a new Conservation Management Plan for the Australian Technology Park site.

We would like to invite you to a public information session about the Conservation Management Plan. The session will be held on site on Monday, 7 December 2009, from 4-6pm in meeting room 6A, Level 1, Bay 6 Locomotive Workshops (please enter via Bay 8).

It has been a number of years since a Conservation Management Plan was prepared for the site and previous plans have addressed the Locomotive Workshops building only. This new Conservation Management Plan would address the Australian Technology Park site as a whole, including its significant machinery, and would take into account the changes that have occurred to the site since most railway operations at Eveleigh closed in 1988.

This session provides an opportunity for stakeholders, interested parties and local community members to reflect on the significance of the former Eveleigh locomotive workshops and the changes that have occurred to the site over the past 20 years.

The information session would also provide an opportunity for stakeholders and the local community to raise issues they have regarding the site's management

If you would like to attend the information session could you please respond to Jane Vernon at Godden Mackay Logan by phone on 02 9319 4811 between 9am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.

If you are not able to attend the workshop, you may provide feedback by filling out the form attached and returning it to Godden Mackay Logan at 78 George Street Redfern, NSW 2016.

Yours sincerely

Australian Technology Park

(Prof) Richard Mackay, AM Partner


Australian Technology Park - Conservation Management Plan - Consultation Feedback Form

Australian Technology Park (ATP) has commissioned Godden Mackay Logan, heritage consultants, to prepare a new Conservation Management Plan for the ATP site. This session provides an opportunity for stakeholders, interested parties and local community members to reflect on the significance of the former Eveleigh locomotive workshops and the changes that have occurred to the ATP site over the past 20 years.

Name (optional)

Address (optional)

What do you think is the heritage importance of the ATP and why?

What aspects or components of the site make the greatest contribution to its heritage importance?

Are there issues about the future conservation and management of the ATP site that you would like to raise. What would you like to have happen?

Do you have any further comments/suggestions?

If so, please use the space provided on the back of this form.

Additional Comments / Suggestions: 

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