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South Sydney FORMAL INTER-Agency meeting
Formal information sharing, joint planning and discussion between local agencies and community groups hosted by Inner Regional Council for Social Development.
Located in Past Events
South Sydney FORMAL INTER-Agency meeting
Formal information sharing, joint planning and discussion between local agencies and community groups hosted by Inner Regional Council for Social Development.
Located in Past Events
Graffiti Action Day 2010
Graffiti vandalism has negative financial and social impact upon the community, specifically residents, business owners, local government and transport operators. Graffiti Action Day is a result of a partnership between Keep Australia Beautiful & the NSW Government and is a first for Australia! The key aims of the Graffiti Action Day are to: • Engage the community in removal of graffiti • Raise awareness of good graffiti removal methods • Support non-government and community run facilities in repairing damage caused by graffiti
Located in Past Events
Redfern Neighbourhood Advisory Board - 17 November 2009
Next meeting takes place on Tuesday 17th at 10am For more information or copy of minutes contact Charmaine/ David on: 9698 7461 or Mike 9698 9569
Located in Past Events
ATP - Channel 7 Building Community Information Meeting - Tuesday 15th December 6pm
A community information meeting is being held so that local residents, ATP tenants and businesses can find out about the arrival of Channe7 and its partner companies, and how the building and surrounding area will operate. The meeting is organised by the RWA & ATP.
Located in Past Events
ATP Conservation Management Plan Consultation – Monday 7th December 4-6pm
Godden Mackay Logan are working on the revised CMP for the ATP and MacLaren North is working on the Section 170 Register. As part of the CMP revision there will be a consultation about the CMP revision on 7th December 2009 between 4-6pm at the ATP. There is concern as some equipment covered previously by the 1995 CMP and and the Management Plan for Moveablew Items has been marked with large pink crosses and tagged for disposal before any consultation.
Located in Past Events
REDWatch Monthly Meeting 6pm Thurs 3 December 2009
The final REDWatch monthly meeting for the year will be held on 3 December 2009. There will be no speaker for this meeting but there will be follow up discussion on Roy Wakelin-King's presentation at the last meeting and and some discussion leading to the ATP's plans to dispose of some heritage equipment and establish a Heritage Taskforce.
Located in Past Events
M5 Expansion PLans Meeting - 14 December 2009 Alexandria Town Hall
The NSW Government proposes to expand the M5 corridor by widening the existing M5 from Prestons and building a new arterial road to service industrial areas in South Sydney. The purpose of the expansion is to increase capacity, improve travel times and reduce congestion. This is an important isue for our local community, and now is the time for our area to have input and shape the proposal in its early planning and design stages writes Kristina Keneally to local residents in her letter of 8 December 2009.
Located in Past Events
Abercrombie Precinct Development – Community Workshop 6pm Thurs 9 Feb 2012
The University Of Sydney Design Team are close to finalising the revised plans for their Abercrombie Street Business School. They are holding a community information session. This session will include an update on our plans and give you an opportunity to provide your feedback, to help ensure we get this precinct right for the future.
Located in Other RW Issues / University of Sydney
Abercrombie Precinct Development – RAIDD Workshop 9.15am Tues 7 Feb 2012
The University Of Sydney Design Team are close to finalising the revised plans for their Abercrombie Street Business School. They are holding a series of meetings with different groups. This session is for people conected to the RAIDD residents group. This session will include an update on our plans and give you an opportunity to provide your feedback, to help ensure we get this precinct right for the future. A public session will be held on Thursday 9 Feb at 6pm.
Located in Other RW Issues / University of Sydney