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M5 Expansion PLans Meeting - 14 December 2009 Alexandria Town Hall

The NSW Government proposes to expand the M5 corridor by widening the existing M5 from Prestons and building a new arterial road to service industrial areas in South Sydney. The purpose of the expansion is to increase capacity, improve travel times and reduce congestion. This is an important isue for our local community, and now is the time for our area to have input and shape the proposal in its early planning and design stages writes Kristina Keneally to local residents in her letter of 8 December 2009.

Event details


Dec 15, 2009
from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM


Alexandria Town Hall at 73 Garden Street, Alexandria

Contact Name

Kristina Keneally's Office

Contact Phone

9699 8166

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Kristina Keneally has organised a Public Forum, which will be attended by representatives of the Roads and Traffic Authority to respond to any questions you might have about this project and to ensure your views are hears.
Where:  Alexandria Town Hall at 73 Garden Street, Alexandria
When:  Monday 14 December 2009
Time:  6.30p.m to 8.30 p.m.
The proposed $4.5 billion M5 corridor expansion includes:
  •  A new arterial road from the M5 East tunnels to the airport and the industrial areas of inner southern Sydney.
  • Widening the exising M5 South West Motorway, operated by Interlink Roads, from two to three lanes in each direction
  • Widening the M5 East Freeway east of King Goerges Road to four lanes in each direction
  • Four new lanes in tunnel to duplicate the existing M5 East tunnel, with improved air management
The NSW Government has made a submission to Infrastructure Australia for funding consideration.   By getting the planning work done now we can begin work quickly when funding becomes available.
More information is available at, or bycalling 1800 633 332.
If you are not able to atend the Public Forum, Kristina Keneally's office is also available to assist with questions and requests for more information.   She will keep you updated on the proposal as it develops.   Please don't hesitate to contact Kristina or her staff on 9699 8166.   She is happy to help.
REDWatch Note - see this screenshot from the m5 website for a quick overview of the proposed new arterial road to Campbell Road South of Sydney Park at M5 Expansion Tempe Arterial
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