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Elizabeth Street / PCYC Redfern Plan Public Meeting 26 Nov 2024 at 6pm
Bridge Housing will explain its development to the community for this Homes NSW site. Come along to find out how your suburb is about to change and bring your questions. The proposal is On Exhibition until 4th December. It proposes 355 social, affordable and disability homes, Bridge’s head office and a new community building (including PCYC). Building heights are 14, 10, 5 and 3 storeys.
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Make a Waterloo South Submission by 29 April 2022
Members of the Community are encouraged to make a submission on the Waterloo South Planning Proposal. In doing so it is important that they respond to what is actually on exhibition rather than to the lower density proposal indicated by the support material circulated as part of the exhibition.
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Government Sites Plans & Activities
Waterloo South rezoning proposal
Waterloo Estate (South) Planning Proposal Exhibition March 2022
Canon shows off top shots - 9 January and 14 January 2010 CarriageWorks
SYDNEY: Canon Australia has just announced that it will be holding the EOS Photo5 exhibition throughout January. The free exhibition will display almost 7,000 photos captured by photographers from its recent EOS Photo5 competition reports Grant Shepherd on .
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Civilising the Natives
An exhibition of paintings for sale by Gordon Syron, a Pioneer of Aboriginal Art. Open Tuesday to Friday 4:30 to 6:30pm. Other times by appointment with Gordon. ph 0421 031 392.
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Thinking Outside The Square: A Retrospective (1972-2010)
"I have been documenting people, places and events for over three decades. As an American emigrant from Bradenton, a small country town in Florida, I came to cosmopolitan Sydney in 1971, with fresh eyes" Over 200 black and white and colour carefully culled photographs, or perhaps they may even form ‘visual transcripts’, are being exhibited in the collection at the opening within a church setting, providing the exhibition with a sense of the sacred and surreal. Images are laid out on the church pews creating a sense of engagement, and are a metaphor for presenting people “where they sat”. Hours: Tue - Thur 4.30 to 6pm; Sun 9am to 12noon
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Abercrombie / Shepherd St Park Community Consultation
You are invited to have your say about the City’s planned renewal of Charles Kernan Park. The project is in the early design phase and Council wants your input. Initial design ideas will be on display at the community meeting which you can discuss with City staff. Your suggestions and feedback will help us finalise the design.
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Eora Festival Art Exhibition
Art Exhibition opening Thurs 20th Nov 12.30pm Sculpture, painting, prints, ceramics from emerging Indigenous art students.
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Eora Festival - Music
A concert of original songs and favourites performed by certificate and diploma music graduates
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‘The Strength of Women’
Aboriginal Women’s Art Exhibition Featuring: Shirley Amos, Bronwyn Bancroft, Jessica Birk, Euphemia Bostock, Tracey Bostock, Charmaine Davis, Joy Duncan, Danielle Gorogo, Kim Healy, May Hinch, Lee-Anne Hunter, Sally Morgan, Amberline Morgan, Carmel Richardson & other invited artists.
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Sydny Uni's Abercrombie Street Modifications in Response to Exhibition - Until 1 June
Sydney Uni has responded to the 2011 Exhibition with a changed proposal which is now on exhibition. The Project Application is to develop a new educational precinct within the site bounded by Abercrombie Street, Codrington Street, Darlington Street and Golden Grove Street. Currently the Department website provides no details of when the proposal goes off exhibition.
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University of Sydney
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