Make a Waterloo South Submission by 29 April 2022
The request for the rezoning came from the Land and Housing Corporation, the Government Corporation (LAHC) that owns public housing in NSW. The City of Sydney replaced LAHC proposal with its own different proposal. The Minister took planning proposal authority (PPA) role off the Council and gave it to a section of the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE). Following evaluation from another part of DPE, the PPA made a number of changes to the earlier Council proposal.
These changes increased the high-rise towers from 3 to 4, moved the locations of some buildings and streets and increased the size of the development by 10% by allowing the design excellence increase to be additional rather than caped within the stated floor space. The figures shown in the PPE proposal material for the number of dwellings are the minimum and the likely outcome is expected to be between 3300 and 3400 depending on unit size not the 3012 referred to in the material. The increase in the size of the development only became public at the beginning of April as a result of the Council analysis. The PPA continue to use the lower minimum dwelling numbers in their presentations.
Council in their draft submission have said this increase in density has not been properly disclosed or tested and Council have questioned if the increase will fit within the planning envelopes exhibited. There is no assessment for example of the impact of the PPE proposal on streets, parks and courtyards. People making submission are encouraged to also read the Council submission rather than take the exhibited material at face value. The links provided below are provided in the context of the above comments and should not be taken at face value.
Submissions must reach the Department of Planning and Environment before 11:59pm Friday, 29 April, 2022.
You can make a submission in a number of ways:
To make an online submission please complete the form and/or upload submission at
Written submissions must be addressed ON BOTH THE LETTER AND THE ENVELOPE to
Mr Alan Bright
Director, Planning Proposal Authority
Planning & Assessment
Department of Planning and Environment
Locked Bag 5022
Parramatta NSW 2124
The written submission must include:
- your name and address, at the top of the letter only (or in a separate cover letter if you want your personal details to be withheld from publication)
- the name of the application - Waterloo Estate (South)
- the planning proposal number - PP-2021-3265
- a statement on whether you support or object to the proposal
- the reasons why you support or object to the proposal
- a declaration of any reportable political donations made in the previous two years
Your submission must reach us by 11:59, 29 April 2022.
If you can access online then the preferred mechanism for making a submission is via the planning portal in option 1. If there is a problem with doing that submissions can be emailed to noting the following requirements which are the same as for a submission sent by post:
It is mandatory for all formal submissions to include the following:
- your name and address, at the top of the letter only (or in a separate cover letter)
- if you want your personal details to be withheld from publication)
- the name of the application - Waterloo Estate (South)
- the planning proposal number - PP-2021-3265
- a statement on whether you support or object to the proposal
- the reasons why you support or object to the proposal
- a declaration of any reportable political donations made in the previous two years.
Your submission must reach us before midnight, 29 April 2022.
More information can be found on the gave your say page on the NSW Planning Portal -
If you are looking for information from Community Organisations about the Planning Proposal for Waterloo South you can find information at:
- REDWatch under the Waterloo South Exhibition Tab
- Counterpoint – Waterloo Redevelopment Resources 2022
- Council Draft Submission - Attachment A - Revised Draft City of Sydney Submission - Public Exhibition - Waterloo Estate (South) Planning Proposal and Draft Waterloo Estate (South) Design Guide , item 8.2 PDF 2 MB
The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) Websites for the Consultation
The Waterloo South Consultation information is currently spread across three Department of Planning websites. They are:
- Planning for Local Communities - Waterloo South - This site has a brief overview of the plan including Features of the Plan covering Building locations and heights, Housing mix, Parks and open spaces, Trees and sunlight, Streets and traffic flow and Environmental factors. It also includes a time line and a “detailed map of Waterloo South” which is the simplified map.
- The Waterloo (South) have your say site - This site includes information on drop-in sessions, online information sessions and has an Interactive Map that allows drop a comment on some predetermined topics and a survey as well as a link to make a submission.
- The Planning Portal with the documents and where you can make an online submission - This site houses the consultation documents in a jumbled order (see REDWatch Guide to Waterloo South Study planning proposal documents for assistance). This is also where you go to make an online submission.