Waterloo South rezoning proposal
In mid May 2020, Land and Housing Corporation lodged an application for the rezoning of the Southern portion of the Waterloo Estate SSP area. On 29 May, Council released an acknowledgement of the lodgement along with some high level details of the proposal. On 31 May LAHC, through a media drop to The Sunday Telegraph, provided some additional information. The Communities Plus website for Waterloo will presumably be updated. This section of the website deals with the Waterloo South rezoning proposal.
- Waterloo Estate (South) Planning Proposal Exhibition March 2022
- This section of the website deals with material from the DPE formal exhibition of the Waterloo Estate (South) planning proposal in March and April 2022
- DPIE Waterloo South Studies Workshops 8 and 9 December 2021
- Two community sessions were held on 8 & 9 December 2021 to provide information on the work that has been done by DPIE and what it means for the proposed plan for Waterloo South. DPE asked attendees not to release the slides and details of the presentations. Instead in mid-January DPE released a summary of the sessions with some questions and answers from the workshops. These are the released documents. They are much less specific in some areas to the information and slides shown agencies and tenants in the December presentations.
- Megacity reaching for the sky in a smaller way - Sunday Telegraph Text
- This is the text of the print edition of The Sunday Telegraph article of 31 May 2020 page 27 entitled "Megacity reaching for the sky in a smaller way". This article contained some information about LAHC's revised proposal for Waterloo Estate as well as some details of what was proposed on the Southern portion of the estate.
- Waterloo South Park
- Waterloo Garden & Cook buildings
- Sunday Telegraph p27 31 May 2020
- This is a scan of the print edition of The Sunday Telegraph article of 31 May 2020 page 27 entitled "Megacity reaching for the sky in a smaller way". This article contained some information about LAHC's revised proposal for Waterloo Estate as well as some details of what was proposed on the Southern portion of the estate.
- Waterloo South Park 2
- Waterloo south map
- Council Option 2019 proposed park
- Waterloo South rezoning proposal from City of Sydney Website
- This information was placed on the City of Sydney website on 29 May 2020. On the City website it was spread over a number of pages but for ease of access we have bought this together in one document and only used some graphics.
- Waterloo Redevelopment moves forward - Government Media Release
- This media release was issued on Sunday 31 May 2020 jointly by Melinda Pavey, Minister for Water, Property & Housing, Rob Stokes Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and Gareth Ward Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services.
- Clover Moore response to Waterloo South Lodgement
- Clover Moore responded to the announcement of the Waterloo South lodgement on Facebook on 1 June 2020. The text of the post is below.
- Communities Plus website on Waterloo South lodgement
- The Communities Plus site contains a number of new artists impressions that have not been seen elsewhere. It also shows the new map dividing Waterloo Estate into South, Central and North precincts.
- Clover Moore letter to Residents about Waterloo Estate - 1 June 2020
- This letter was issued on 1 June 2020 by Clover Moore for distribution to residents in response to the submission of the LAHC proposal for Waterloo South.
- Waterloo Plan Changes - REDWatch Update
- Below you will find REDWatch's analysis of the material released by Council and LAHC about the rezoning proposal for Waterloo South LAHC have submitted to the City of Sydney Council. This material was sent out as a REDWatch Email Update to Members, Supporters and Agencies
- LAHC Newsletter on Waterloo South Lodgement - 16 June 2020.
- In their first newsletter since issuing the Preferred Plan in January 2019, this is how LAHC advised Waterloo public housing tenants of the details of their Waterloo South master plan. Tenant representatives and agencies had requested LAHC to provide a similar level to that which was released in January 2019 if they changed the plan. There is not even a plan of what LAHC is proposing, only some artists impressions which are meaningless for a rezoning proposal.
- LAHC's Waterloo South Plan released by City of Sydney
- Following representations from REDWatch, Agencies and public tenants, the City of Sydney has released a plan showing proposed heights and layout of Land and Housing Corporation's proposal for Waterloo South. In releasing the plan the Council has reworked their web page to show the LAHC proposal alongside the 2019 LAHC Preferred Master Plan and the Councils's own 2019 proposal. Council has made it clear that "It is likely changes will be made to the proposal the corporation has submitted as the process of review will continue during the assessment phase."
- LAHC Waterloo South Zoning Proposal 2020
- LAHC Waterloo South Zoning Proposal 2020
- LAHC Waterloo South Zoning Proposal 2020
- LAHC Waterloo South Zoning Proposal 2020
- City of Sydney webinar on The Waterloo planning proposal
- The City of Sydney has produced an excellent webinar based on their presentation to REDWatch on 9 July 2020. The webinar is on the Council's Waterloo South webpage. This webinar is highly recommended as it provides an excellent explanation of the LAHC proposal and the approach Council is taking to assessing LAHC's proposal.
- REDWatch Correspondence with Council regarding release of Waterloo South Documents
- Following the June 2020 REDWatch meeting, REDWatch wrote to LOrd Mayor, Clover Moore regarding the release of Land and Housing Corporation's proposal for Waterloo South. Below you will see our letter to Clover and her response which has addressed the concerns that we have raised with her about the lack of transpaency of the Waterloo South proposal, for which Council was being blamed.
- LAHC response to the Social Sustainability Study Report recommendations
- The Waterloo South Social Sustainability Study contains a table with recommendations from the report and Land and Housing Corporation's (LAHC) response to those recommendations. As this is a key indicator of what LAHC has committed to in delivering a socially sustainable development we have extracted the table and made it easily accessible. The full amended Waterloo south social sustainability report can be downloaded from the City of Sydney Waterloo South webpage https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/policy-planning-changes/planning-proposal-request-waterloo-estate-south. Parts of this table were missing from the initial version of the report released. When this was fixed it threw out page numbering so the adjusted report does not have page numbers in the first section and page titles were also deleted.
- REDWatch Social Impact Assessment Guidelines Submission
- REDWatch made a submission to the Department of Planning Industry and Environment on the draft guidelines for Social Impact Assessments (SIA) being required on all State Significant Development Applications and State Significant Infrastructure in November 2020. While the LAHC sites are currently with Council rather than DPIE we have argued in our submission that the Social Impact Assessments should be extended to cover such redevelopments. The SIA Guidelines were originally put together for mining projects and redevelopment of settled inner city public housing communities throw up many different social impacts. You can read our submission here.
- City of Sydney's planning proposal for Waterloo South - 11 February
- The City of Sydney (CoS) Council released its proposal for the planning controls to govern the proposed Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) redevelopment of Waterloo South on 10th February 2021. The Council proposal is part of the papers for the Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee on Monday 15 February 2021 where Councillors will consider the proposal from Council staff. The proposal is also considered by the Central Sydney Planning Committee (CSPC) at 5pm on Thursday 18 February 2021 before going to the Council Meeting on Monday 22 February and then to the Department of Planning Infrastructure and Environment for approval for public exhibition later this year. Below is some information on the proposal documents and the original Land and Housing Corporations proposal made public by the Council.
- REDWatch Preliminary Analysis of Councils Waterloo South Planning Proposal
- The Analysis below was produced by REDWatch and circulated by our email distributiuon lists on 19 February 2021. This analysis seeks to explain some of the key issues arrising from the Council Planning Proposal and some of REDWatch's concerns.
- Counterpoint Community Services Waterloo South Response - 15 Feb 2021
- This response to Council's Waterloo South Planning Proposal was issued by Counterpoint Community Services to City of Sydney for the Council Committee and the Centrral Sydney Planning Committee's consideration of the waterloo South Planning proposal.
- Waterloo stalemate must not Continue - Minister Stokes
- This is the text of the Media Statement Rob Stokes Minister for Planning and Public Spaces released on Twitter on Tuesday, 23 February 2021
- Independent expert advice to steer future of Waterloo
- THis is a copy of the statement that appeared on the DPIE website on 17th March 2021 advising the names of the advisors to the departmental Secretary who will determine the Planning Proposal to be exhibited for Waterloo South.
- Counterpoint / Waterloo Redevelopment Group initial response to Independent Panel Announcement
- News that Council had been stripped of its role over Waterloo South and that DPIE would take over planning with the assistance of an Independent Advisory Panel cane during a meeting of the Waterloo NAB's Waterloo Redevelopment Group (WRG). The attached is a response from Michael Shreenan as Acting Chair of the WRG to the announcement.
- Groundswell Redfern Waterloo letter to DPIE Secretary and key stakeholders
- Groundswell Redfern Waterloo letter jointly produced the following letter to DPIE Secretary Jim Betts and key stakeholders regarding the Minister's decision that DPIE would take over control of the planning proposal for Waterloo South. The statement was sent to all the key stakeholders including the independent panel members. Organisations adding their support to the letter includes Counterpoint Community Services, Inner Sydney Voice, REDWatch, Redfern Legal Service, Tenant's Union NSW, Shelter NSW, The Sydney University Settlement and Milk Crate Theatre.
- REDWatch Letter to DPIE and other key Stakeholders regarding Waterloo South
- Below is the text of a letter sent by REDWatch on 25 March 2021 to DPIE Secretary Jim Betts and key stakeholders regarding the Minister's decision that DPIE would take over control of the planning proposal for Waterloo South. The statement was sent to all the key stakeholders including the independent panel members. The letter sets out some of REDWatch's key concerns resulting from the decision.
- Clover Moore's Update on the Waterloo South redevelopment
- This letter received from Lord Mayor Clover Moore on 30 March 2021 explains that the City of Sydney will no longer be the planning authority for the Waterloo South planning proposal that was endorsed by Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee in February 2021. The letter also advises that Minister Stokes has agreed to community representatives meeting with DPIE before a decision is made.
- Groundswell Local agency input to Independent Advisory Group on Waterloo South Planning Proposal
- On 8 April 2021 11am local Groundswell agency representatives (Geoff Turnbull REDWatch, Claire McAteer ISV and Michael Mackenzie Shreenan Counterpoint) met online with the Waterloo South Independent Advisory Group (IAG) regarding Waterloo South. The agencies also responded to requests from the IAG regarding the consultation timeline for previous engagement on the Waterloo Visioning, Options, Preferred Master Plan prior to the Council proposal and LAHC's decision to only progress the southern precinct. Some Groundswell agencies also supplied written submissions to the IAG. On 8 April the IAG had separate 25 minute meetings with representatives from Groundswell, The NAB's Waterloo Redevelopment Group, The Waterloo Public Housing Action Group and representatives from the Aboriginal community. Below are the talking Points that the local Groundswell agencies managed to fit into its 8 minute presentation to the IAG.
- Inner Sydney Voice - Waterloo Letter to DPIE and Advisory Panel on Waterloo April 2021
- This is a copy of the letter sent by Inner Sydney Voice to the Department of Planning Industry and Environment and the Independent Advisory Group regarding the assessment of the Waterloo South planning proposal.
- Waterloo South Planning Proposal Gateway Review and Independent Advisory Group (IAG) Terms of Reference
- This document was provided to a member of the NAB's Waterloo Redevelopment Group (WRG) in response to a request for the Terms of Reference for the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) prior to the WRG meeting the IAG. This document explains the process currently under way within the Department and the IAG.
- Waterloo South Gateway comunications concerns from WRG
- This letter was sent on 27 May 2021 to Ministers and officials concerned with the South Eveleigh Gateway announcing. The letter requests a briefing for tenant representatives and their support agencies prior to any media announcement on the Waterloo South Planning Proposal Gateway determination. The letter is sent on behalf of the Waterloo Redevelopment Group (WRG) and signed by the current co-chairs.
- Minister Stokes issued the Gateway determination for Waterloo South on 23 June but it was only released publically on 29 June at 6pm. Below is the media release issued by the Minister. The story was released early to the Sydney Morning Herald. LAHC, Council and some community representatives were breifed about the decision prior to the public release.
- Waterloo South Gateway Determination Released
- As the Council proposal was the one submitted for the determination, it is the modified Council proposal that will go to public exhibition before the end of the 2021. The determination requires specific changes and study updates be made by DPIE to the Council proposal prior to its exhibition. At the time of the Gateway it is not clear when this work will be finalised or when exhibition will take place.
- Waterloo Public Housing Newsletters
- With parts of the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) acting in the place of Council and assessing the proposal a decision was made that Land and Housing Corporation, Department of Communities and Justice and DPIE would produce a joint Waterloo Newsletter. Here are copies of those newsletters.
- REDWatch Waterloo South suggested submission points
- As part of the Submission writing workshop for Waterloo public housing tenants on 22 April 2022, REDWatch prepared some submission points dealing with issues identified during the exhibition period that tenants may want to include in addition to their own observations and comments. These points have been provided for consideration in peoples submissions.
- Green light for Waterloo South Rezoning - Media Release
- This media release from Anthony Roberts (Minister for Planning, Minister for Homes) and Natasha Maclaren-Jones (Minister for Families and Communities, Minister for Disability Services) was issued on 11 November 2022 to announce the finalisation of the planning controls for Waterloo South.
- Tenant-Only Subgroup letter to Minister about Waterloo (South) Exhibition
- Waterloo Redevelopment Tenant-Only Subgroup of the Waterloo Neighbourhood Advisory Board has been vocal about their dissatisfaction with DPE's response to submissions of Waterloo South and has requested that their concerns be formally submitted to the Minister. This is the letter sent at their request.
- DPE Response to Waterloo Redevelopment Tenant-Only Subgroup letter
- On 21 Septembers Waterloo Redevelopment Tenant-Only Subgroup sent a letter to the Planning Minister raising their concerns about how submissions were handled. This is the reply on behalf of the minister from the department of Planning and Environment of 17 October.