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Abercrombie / Shepherd St Park Community Consultation

You are invited to have your say about the City’s planned renewal of Charles Kernan Park. The project is in the early design phase and Council wants your input. Initial design ideas will be on display at the community meeting which you can discuss with City staff. Your suggestions and feedback will help us finalise the design.

Event details


Nov 15, 2008
from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM


Corner of Abercrombie and Shepherd Streets, Darlington

Contact Phone

9265 9333

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The park on the corner of Abercrombie and Shepherd Streets is a well loved and heavily used pocket park in the heart of Darlington. The park provides local residents, families, university students and workers from nearby businesses with access to vital green space.
As part of the City’s ongoing commitment to renew important small parks across our Local Government Area, the project will provide quality open space for the whole community to enjoy.
A key element of the park is the existing playground. The City plans to replace the equipment with an exciting recreation facility for children up to 12 years old. The park also provides an important place for dog owners to currently exercise their pets off leash after 6.00pm.


We are considering the following renewal options:
Park structure –
• improved access from Abercrombie Street
• large usable grass areas
• increased shade
• new trees.
Park facilities –
• bigger playground area with a broader range of equipment
• new trees and plants
• new park furniture.


Community consultation: November – December 2008

Report to Council:

Early 2009

Finalise design documentation:

Early 2009

Construction: Mid 2009


For wet weather information call 9265 9333.


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