REDWatch - Neighbour Power: Can a Seattle model help us build communities in Sydney? 2nd April 2009
Event details
from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
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REDWatch invites you to hear:
Marcelle Hoff
Deputy Lord Mayor - City of Sydney
Neighbours can generate tremendous power when they come together as a community. They can influence the actions of government, developers and other external forces. They can also mobilise their own assets — their passion, knowledge, skills, and relationships—in support of caring communities, revitalised neighbourhoods, and a better world.
Jim Diers book Neighbor Power: Building Community the Seattle Way documents a planning and development model powered by neighbours developed in Seattle.
Jim Diers has held sessions with the City of Sydney Council and Council’s Local Action Plans and the associated grants are modelled on what happened in Seattle. REDWatch would like to see other components aiming at strengthing communities and giving them a greater say in their villages taken up by Council from Seattle’s model.
Marcelle Hoff will explain Jim Dier’s Neighbor Power and we will discuss how it might apply to the City of Sydney and Redfern Waterloo.
REDWatch’s monthly meeting on local issues will follow about 7pm.
Please download the poster at the link below to advertise the event.