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2004-2012 Statements

The Redfern Waterloo Authority operated until 2011-12 when it was taken over by the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority. Here we have captured some of that history as it happened in Redfern Waterloo Issue Updates and statements from REDWatch and Government.
REDWatch Statements 2004 - 2012
This directory holds statements issued by REDWatch
Media Articles on Redfern Waterloo 2004 - 2013
News articles between 2004 and 2013 concerning Redfern Waterloo from various sources. After this date media stories were included in the areas of the site most relevant to the article.
Government, UG, SMDA & RWA Statements
This is a collection of media statements, newsletters, letters to residents, publications and statements produced by Government, the SMDA or RWA about Redfern Waterloo or Government initiative or responsibilities. This may not be a complete collection of media statements as for the first few years Minister Sartor was unwilling to supply media statements to those like REDWatch who they did not class as media. As some Government statements such as draft plans are covered elsewhere on the site we have not repeated this material here.
Parkway Proposal - a green off-road pedestrian-cycle route through Chippendale
The Parkway proposal was presented at a Chippendale Community Meeting on 2 August 2006. The Parkway is a concept plan for a green off-road pedestrian-cycle route through Chippendale. It is a series of green links through local neighbourhoods - taking you from the City & east Darling Harbour to Alexandria, Newtown and the Australian Technology Park through Chippendale, with an east - west axis taking you from Glebe to the University of NSW. This is achieved through the recreation of green space and public domain opportunities – either through footpath extensions or dedicated off-road opportunities, reducing through traffic and prioritising pedestrian and cycle movement, where possible.
Local Human Services NGO Updates
There are a range of peak bodies (such as NCOSS) looking after the various interests of sectors of the NGO Human services however from time to time we get asked to put some NGO material of broad interest to people in Redfern Waterloo on the REDWatch website. Such information can be found in this section of the site. [For information on local human services responses to the RWA Human Services Plans see ].
Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP)
Redfern has had a CDEP project for the last 20 years. It has helped many Aboriginal people get into the regular job market as well as provided opportunities for many others to contribute to their community by undertaking socially useful work in the local community. On 6 November 2006 the Federal Government announced that CDEP would cease operating in urban areas and that it would be replaced by a new scheme that would be better suited to the labour market as it is at its strongest in 30 years. The proposed changes to CDEP will impact on Redfern Waterloo and hence we have collected some information on the proposed changes and the moves by some in the community to lobby for retention of the CDEP programmes in the area.
Groundswell Formation
GROUNDSWELL is a community empowerment process facilitated by a coalition of Redfern and Waterloo non-government agencies. It was initiated in April 2011 when a coalition of local agencies and residents met to explore ways of supporting residents facing the significant issues and changes proposed for the Redfern and Waterloo area. Here we have collected information relating to Groundswell.
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