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Event Posters

This is where we post event leaflets and posters which we link to.
File M5 Expansion Tempe Arterial
This is a screen shot from on 11 December 2009 showing the proposed changes at the Eastern End of the proposed M5 Expansion
File 2010 Redfern ANZAC Day Program
This is the Program / A4 Poster for the 2010 Redfern ANZAC DAY March and Commemoration. File is 204KB PDF.
File Me‐mel: Goat Island through Bennelong’s Eyes - Sunday 18th April 2010 Poster
This is the Poster for the special trips to Me-mel (Goat Island) for Me‐mel: Goat Island through Bennelong’s Eyes. PDF 344KB
File REDWatch Public Transport Forum Poster - 15 April 2010 6.30pm
This is the poster for the REDWatch Public Transport Forum to be held on 15 April 2010 at the Factory at 6.30pm. File is 104 KB PDF.
File REDWatch Sydney University VC Meeting Leaflet - Tuesday April 20th, 2010 6:30 pm
Invitation to a Community Meeting with Dr Michael Spence Vice Chancellor Sydney University to discuss - What is needed to build a mutually beneficial relationship between the University, Darlington and the surrounding Community? Tuesday April 20th, 2010 6:30 pm The Settlement Neighbourhood Centre, 17 Edward St, Darlington. 24KB PDF
File Plan of Charles Kernan Reserve Showing Food Garden
This is the Plan issued by Council of Charles Kernan Reserve showing location of food Garden on 12 April 2010. File is 517 KB PDF.
File REDWatch flyer October 2010 - RICHSS & RWA
This is the flyer for the REDWatch Forum with Redfern & Inner City Home Support Service and the RWA. File is 54KB PDF.
File Groundswell - Did they hear you Right? Poster - 4 Oct
This is the poster for the Groundswell Forum with the RWA/SMDA, Housing NSW and Council about their research relating to Redfern & Waterloo.
File REDWatch Transport Forum Poster - 6 Oct 2011
This is the poster for the REDWatch Transport Forum on Oct 6 2011.
File Darlington Preschool Petition
Petitioners are asked to request the Legislative Assembly to reverse a decision by Minister Piccoli to more than double fees at the Darlington Department of Education community preschool. This action has made fees prohibitively high. Overall enrolments have already dropped by two thirds and we have grave concerns about the implications this may have for the viability of the preschool and its impact on the school more broadly. Please print off this submission and support the school with some signatures. File is 51 KB PDF.
File Hugo Street Garden Plans v2
These are the revised plans for the Hugo Street Garden to be discussed at the meeting on 18 February 2012. File is 5 MB
File Planning Basics for Residents - Tuesday 13th March 2012 Poster
This is the poster for the free community workshop with Peter Phibbs a Planning Academic from UWS at Redfern Community Centre on 13 March 2012 from 6-8pm
File Challenge 4 Change - Part 1 “Community Building 101” Poster
The is the poster for the first part of the Challenge 4 Change programme which is about Community Building 101. It is is a free Training Programme organised by the Groundswell Coalition in Redfern Waterloo. It aims to skill people for involvement in change. The programme is aimed at people already involved in the community who want to gain skills to be more effective in bringing change. Poster is 402Kb PDF.
File REDWatch Heffron By-Election Candidates Forum Flyer
This is the flyer for the REDWatch Heffron By-Election Candidates Forum for 2 Aug 2012. File is 72 Kb PDF.
File City of Sydney Mayor Candidates Forum - 16th August 2012
This is the flyer for the REDWatch City of Sydney Lord Mayoral Candidates Forum at the Factory on 16th August 2012. File is 100Kb PDF.
Image Summer on The Greeen 2011
Summer on The Greeen 2011
Image Redfern Neighbourhood Day 2011
Redfern Neighbourhood Day 2011
Image Map of Ashmore Precinct
This is the Ashmore Precinct that the Department of Planning wants for significantly greater density
File Colin (Col) James A Celebration of Life - 2nd March Invitation
This is the invitation circulated for the Celebration of Col James life on 2nd March 2013. Please pass it on to people who knew Col.
File Public Forum on Planning & Development Law Changes - Redfern Poster
This is the poster for the REDWatch and ARAG Public Forum on Planning & Development Law Changes at Redfern Townhall on 27 May 2013. File is 554 KB PDF.
File Will you get on board Waterloo Train Station? Flyer
This is the flyer for the REDWatch forum on the proposed Waterloo Railway Station on 2nd July 2015.
File Debating the War on ‘Addiction’ Poster - REDWatch 6 August 2015
Poster fro Debating the War on ‘Addiction’. Are we really in the grip of an ice epidemic ? Are the lock out laws working ? Are the new smoking rules a step to Far ? Is prohibiton and criminalisaton the right answer? Does the focus on illicit drugs put Australia’s drinking problem on ice? Join REDWatch and Redfern's Community Drug Acton Team members for our Round table debate and share your perspective and hear from those working in the field. Thursday 6th August 2015 6pm Counterpoint Community Services Inc Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo
File Federal Election 2016 - Sydney Electorate Candidate's Forum - 22nd June 7pm Alexandria Townhall
This is the poster for the Sydney Electorate Candidate's Forum - 22nd June 2016 - 7pm Alexandria Townhall
File REDWatch Meeting Poster - Who is Greater Sydney Commission and what has it got to do with us? Nov 3 2016
This is the poster for the REDWatch meeting on November 3 at 6pm on Who is Greater Sydney Commission and what has it got to do with us?
File Poster for REDWatch Forum on Eveleigh Industrial Heritage & Social History Is it “history” or worth preserving for the future?
This is the poster for the REDWatch Forum on "Eveleigh Industrial Heritage & Social History Is it “history” or worth preserving for the future?" to be held on 3 August 2017 on Thursday 3 August, 6:00pm - 7:30pm at The Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street, Waterloo.
File BEYOND BRICKS & MORTAR POSTER - A meal and talk with Professor Jim Ife – May 2 6pm
The May REDWatch meeting will be a bit different – we not only have a highly regarded speaker and author, but we will also providing a meal for those attending! This is the poster to advertise the event. Please pass it on to people who might be interested.
File Counterpoint Community Services Neighbourhood Week Events Program 1-17 May
Counterpoint Community Services during Neighbourhood Centre Week in My 2019 is running a range of events. The events also help celebrate the 40th Birthday of the Factory Community Centre. Please pass these details on to others that might be interested in an event.
File Improve how Health works for you and the broader services system poster for 5 Sept 19
This is the poster for Shane Brown's talk about his Healthy Living Link Worker role in Waterloo for Sydney Local Health District. This role exists to help people navigate the complex heath system to get the mix of services they need. It also exists to identify the problems people find where parts of the health system do not work as well as they should. All welcome – bring your questions, stories and suggestions
File REDWatch Poster - 9 July 2020 for LAHC & Council on Redfern and Waterloo Public Housing
THis is the poster for the Redfern Build to Rent and the Waterloo South presentations by Council and LAHC. File is 2MB PDF.
File Poster for Waterloo South REDWatch meeting on 4 March 2021
This poster is to promote the REDWatch meeting where City of Sydney Planners explain the Council planning proposal for Waterloo South.
File REDWatch Transport Connectivity Workshop 22 April 2021 poster
This is the poster for the REDWatch workshop on connectivity around Redfern Station and North Eveleigh
File REDWatch Flyer for Meeting on Botany Road Planning Proposal - 5th Aug 2021
This is the flyer for the REDWatch Meeting August 5th 6pm - Council briefing on Botany Road Corridor Planning Proposal. Council has agreed to make a presentation about its plans for the Botany Road Corridor so that locals can get an early understanding of what is proposed. Some of the area impacted by these changes will be next to the Waterloo South redevelopment so we expect there to be some interest from public housing tenants as well as from local private landowners and renters.
File Celebrating the Life and Art of Redfern Local Roy Kennedy Presented by Blak Douglas Poster
This is the poster for the October 7 2021 REDWatch meeting Celebrating the Life and Art of Redfern Local Roy Kennedy Presented by Blak Douglas. This session will be followed at 7.30 pm by the REDWatch AGM
File Waterloo South: What makes high-density work for the community? REDWatch 3 Feb 2022
This is the poster to promote the REDWatch Meeting of Thursday 3 Feb 2022 on Waterloo South: What makes high-density work for the community?
File Poster for North Eveleigh Public Meeting 13 Aug 1.30pm
This is the poster for the community meeting about the Redfern North Eveleigh Paint Shop Exhibition. Please use this to promote the event.
File NSW State Election: Public, Social and Affordable Housing Policies of the Major Parties - Poster 2 Feb 2023
Presentations by: Greens NSW, Jenny Leong MP; Labor NSW, Rose Jackson MLC; Liberals NSW – Chris Rath MLC; Shelter NSW – Cathy Callaghan; Followed by Q&A
File Poster for Tanya Plibersek Talk on The Federal Government's Housing Policy - 5 June 2023 6pm Alexandria Town Hall
The Federal Government's Housing Policy Presentation Monday 5 June 2023 6pm Alexandria Town Hall. Homelessness is increasing, rents are outpacing wage growth, and essential workers are priced out of the inner city. There is a pressing need for social and affordable housing. The Federal Labor Government have detailed their housing reform agenda with the Housing Australia Future Fund and the National Housing Accord. What are these programs, what impact will they have on the housing crisis, and how will the Federal Government work with the NSW Government to increase social and affordable housing? Join REDWatch to hear from the Federal Member for Sydney and Minister for Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek to discuss the Federal Government's housing policy agenda. We will also be joined by City of Sydney Councillor and President of the Australian Local Government Association Linda Scott.
File Explorer Street South Eveleigh Rezoning Flyer for 6 July 2023
At the 6 July REDWatch meeting the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and the Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) will present an update on the rezoning process for the Explorer Street South Eveleigh public housing site. DPE is working to progress the rezoning of the Explorer Street and a concept masterplan with support from LAHC and the City of Sydney planners, who DPE have also invited to attend the REDWatch meeting. The Thursday 6 July meeting will be held at 6pm at the Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street, Waterloo. It will also be on Zoom via This is a flyer to publicise this meeting.
File REDWatch Waterloo Public Housing Update Meeting 7 Sept 2023 Poster
This is the poster for the September 2023 REDWatch meeting with updates on the Waterloo South redevelopment post the Goverenment's new targets for Social and Affordable Housing as well as updates on Homes NSW and the 2024 Public Housing maintenance contract.
File People Power: Models that are changing communities and cities - Flyer
This is the flyer for the REDWatch Meeting 5 October 2023 @ 6pm at the Factory – People Power: Models that are changing communities and cities.
File Homes NSW Introduction with Minister Rose Jackson 5 Feb 2024 6.30pm Flyer
This flyer / poster is to promote the REDWatch Meeting on Homes NSW with Minister Rose Jackson for Monday 5th February 2024. What is Homes NSW? How will it operate? What can tenants expect from the change?
File How should we plan for growth? Poster for REDWatch Meeting 4 April 2024
The NSW government wants to force councils to allow more homes to be built around suburb centres, railway stations and tram stops. City of Sydney staff will respond to that plan and discuss how they prefer to plan for growth.
File Can the Waterloo South People and Place Plan deliver a successful Redevelopment? May 2 2024 flyer
This is the flyer for the May 2 6pm REDWatch meeting that will ask What is missing in the People and Place Plan? Have your Say - REDWatch Meeting All Welcome - Thursday 2 May 2024 6pm Counterpoint’s Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo or via zoom from
File Homes NSW Explains Maintenance changes – REDWatch 4 July 2024 6pm flyer
On July 1 a new maintenance system starts for public housing. Some changes are immediate some will roll out over the next few months. Homes NSW will attend the REDWatch meeting on 4th July to explain the changes. Come and hear Homes NSW so you know what to expect and can explain it to others. Please spread the word using this flyer to public housing tenants. The July REDWatch meeting will be held at 6pm on Thursday 4th July 2024 at Counterpoint’s Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan St Waterloo and it will also be available on Zoom via .