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REDWatch Meeting - 6 May 2010 6pm

The Monthly meeting of REDWatch will be held at the Factory on Thursday 6 May 2010.

Event details


May 06, 2010
from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM


Factory Community Centre 67 Raglan Street Waterloo

Contact Name

Contact Phone

8004 1490

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We have no guest speaker for this meeting but there are a few things we need to discuss from our March meeting with RWA CEO Roy Wakelin King before our next meeting with him in June. We have received answers to peoples questions to the RWA at the last meeting as well as some questions from the REDWatch Co-ord Group following the last meeting.  

REDWatch held two public forums in April. The first was on Public Transport at which RailCorp talked about Redfern Station and South Sydney Community Transport addressed a range of community transport issues. The other meeting was with the VC of Sydney University and the Darlington Community about improving the neighbour relationship. I also participated in a meeting organised by Sydney Uni with the Lord Mayor about North Eveleigh. The University has now set up a local community page on its website at and has gone away to work on some of the issues raised. The latest South Sydney Herald has an article about the meeting, an add from the University and some comments from the RWA about North Eveleigh. You can download the latest SSH (4MB PDF) from . We need to evaluate these events and decide on any follow up events. 

One of REDWatch’s ongoing concerns has been what is happening regarding Human Services. While the RWA denies there have been any shortcomings, it is encouraging that they have re-appointed a Director for Human Services. Melissa Gibson has been moving around talking to services and now the Inner Sydney Regional Council and the RWA are holding a forum for NGO’s and residents with the RWA on Thursday, 20th May at 3.30pm at the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence. Please spread the word about this meeting (flyer attached) and try and get along for a discussion about Human Services. Please note that the timing is designed to encourage involvement by services and we realise that this time will not suit many residents. Residents can however come along to the report back by the RWA CEO at the REDWatch Meeting on 3 June and ask their questions.

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