Good Neighbourhood BBQ Redfern - 30 Oct 11am-2pm
Event details
from 02:00 AM to 05:00 AM
Contact Name
Contact Phone
The City of Sydney and local Police are hosting a series of Good Neighbourhood BBQs in your area
The get togethers will feature Taronga Zoomobile Show (12 noon to 1pm or 6pm to 7pm), live music, children's activities, a free BBQ and information on safety and security initiatives in your area.
BBQs will be held at the following places:
- Sunday October 23, 11am-2pm Paradise Park, cnr Bulwara Road and Quarry Street, Ultimo
- Wednesday October 26, 5pm-8pm Waterloo Green, Raglan Street, Waterloo
- Sunday October 30, 11am-2pm Elizabeth McCrea Reserve, cnr Kepos and Zamia Streets, Redfern
- Wednesday November 2, 5pm-8pm The Paddock, Pottinger Street, The Rocks
- Sunday November 6, llam-2pm Wimbo Park, cnr Devonshire and Bourke Streets, Surly Hills
- Wednesday November 9, 5pm-8pm Sydney Place, Woolloomooloo
- Sunday November 13, 11 am-2pm Charles Keman Reserve, Abercrombie Street, Darlington
- Wednesday November 16, 5pm-8pm Tote Park, cnr Victoria Park Parade and Grandstand Avenue, Zetland
- Sunday November 20, llam-2pm Albert Sloss Reserve, Palmer Street, Darlinghurst
For more information call:
City of Sydney: John 9246 7883 or Dom 9265 9954