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REDWatch Monthly Meeting - SMDA Update - 7 Jun 2012

REDWatch meets on the first Thursday of the Month from 6-8pm. The focus for this month will be an update on the activities of the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA)

Event details


Jun 08, 2012
from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM


The Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo NSW

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Contact Phone

(02) 8004 1490

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This month’s REDWatch meeting will feature an update from the SMDA on Thursday 7th June at the Factory at 6pm. Hopefully there will be time to review some of REDWatch’s recent activities following the SMDA presentation and Questions.

REDWatch has asked for the release of the 2011 Community Facilities Review which has now been rolled into the Social Impact Assessment and Scoping. The SMDA has declined to release the report provided by the consultants but offered instead to provide a briefing on the 2011 Community Facilities Review. REDWatch has asked the SMDA to provide this briefing at this meeting. We have also asked the SMDA to discuss the social inclusion role within the SMDA and to provide an update on the ATP Conservation Management Plan which is currently on exhibition.

The SMDA have advised that they will cover BEP2, North Eveleigh, ATP and Roll Up Redfern.