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REDWatch Roundtable on REDWatch now and in the Future - 6 June 6pm

This month’s REDWatch meeting will be a bit more introspective. We usually look at what is happening around us but this month we are turning the focus more back on REDWatch itself with Roundtable on REDWatch now and in the Future.

Event details


Jun 07, 2013
from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM


The Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo

Contact Name

Contact Phone

(02) 8004 1490

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REDWatch is dependent on people in the community giving of their time with others to make things happen for our community. This is not a session about what “they” should do it is a session about what “we” should do. It is also about how we strengthen the “we” and set our priorities so too much work does not all fall on a few peoples shoulders. Over time as people move on they need to be replaced by new people, new ideas and new enthusiasm.


If you have been sitting on the edge of REDWatch and saying I should go to a meeting or get involved then this would be a good time and place to do it.

The meeting will be facilitated around the following structure:

Group discussion “What’s going on ? “ 

  • Exploration of what happing in our community
    • What does the Community want and doesn’t get?
    • What does the Community want and gets?
    • What doesn’t the Community want and gets anyway?
    • How does Redwatch respond to this in line with our mission/ Objective’s?
  • Brainstorming ideas for 2013 -14

Exploring our current key areas of work, identifying gaps, tasks, and resources that will help us archive our objectives:-

Current Key areas of REDWatch work to frame our action planning around included:-

  • Monitoring Government
  • Advocating and Pushing for outcomes for the community
  • Providing information
  • Building capacity
  • Provide a mechanisms for discussion and action on community issues
  • Enhance communication between community groups and encourage broad community participation