REDWatch Roundtable on REDWatch now and in the Future - 6 June 6pm
Event details
from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Contact Name
Contact Phone
If you have been sitting on the edge of REDWatch and saying I should go to a meeting or get involved then this would be a good time and place to do it.
The meeting will be facilitated around the following structure:
Group discussion “What’s going on ? “
- Exploration of what happing in our community
- What does the Community want and doesn’t get?
- What does the Community want and gets?
- What doesn’t the Community want and gets anyway?
- How does Redwatch respond to this in line with our mission/ Objective’s?
- Brainstorming ideas for 2013 -14
Exploring our current key areas of work, identifying gaps, tasks, and resources that will help us archive our objectives:-
Current Key areas of REDWatch work to frame our action planning around included:-
- Monitoring Government
- Advocating and Pushing for outcomes for the community
- Providing information
- Building capacity
- Provide a mechanisms for discussion and action on community issues
- Enhance communication between community groups and encourage broad community participation