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Elevate the Music

WHEN millions of African slaves were shipped to South America in the 1400s, they took one thing with them rhythm. Uruguayan band Candombe Yaugura use drums and piano to recreate the beat. The 35-piece band will perform at the CarriageWorks in Eveleigh as part of the Elevate the Music Festival next week.Elevate the Music organiser Jacklin Matti said Candombe Yaugura should be commended for their charity work as well as their energy on stage."They raise money for hospitals and things in Uruguay. They teach children how to play the drums." Tickets are $45. Details: 1300 883 622.

Event details


Jun 19, 2008
from 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM



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Details: 1300 883 622.

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Dancers move to the music representing youth, hope and joy.

Band manager Carlos Quijano said the group, formed in 1997, had members from Uruguay, Peru and Chile. "It's more than a band, we are a cultural group," he said."We try to present the culture of Uruguay."

The festival, set up to promote upcoming artists, will also feature performances from singer-songwriter Harrison Hastings, West African band Odenigbo, Brazilian group Batucada Elite and DJ Sunnyyankee.



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