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Redfern Waterloo Eveleigh Community Forum

City of Sydney Community Forum will deal with:

Event details


Mar 20, 2009
from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM


Redfern Town Hall, 73 Pitt St, Redfern

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The National Indigenous Development Centre (former Redfern School) - When it opens in late 2009, this landmark Centre will provide sporting, educational and leadership development opportunities to thousands of young Indigenous people from across Australia. Meet representatives from the Indigenous Land Forum and find out about the facilities and programs available locally and the Centre’s involvement with the Indigenous Employment Strategy.

The Future of Eveleigh - The Redfern-Waterloo Authority will update the community on the North Eveleigh Railyards Development and the Concept Plans recently approved by the NSW Minister for Planning.

Redfern and Waterloo Safety Plan - The Redfern and Waterloo Safety Plan, implemented between 2004 and 2007, has led to reduced local crime rates and a safer community. Hear more on how community partners made the plan work, the vital role of the Redfern Community Centre and the results of the plan.

Community Health Centre, Redfern Street - The development of a $10 million community health facility on the former Redfern Courthouse and Police Station site is currently underway. The Sydney South West Area Health Service will update the community on the services offered by the new facility.

Building a cycleway network for Sydney - The City has started work on its 55km network of separated cycle ways across the LGA, the next vital step in encouraging Sydney residents to switch to a more sustainable and healthy transport option. Hear about cycleway projects in your area and how we plan to encourage residents to cycle in the city.

Working together to save energy and reduce carbon emissions Our vision for a Sustainable Sydney will only work with community involvement and the City wants to encourage you to reduce environmental impacts. Hear about our Residential Environmental Action Strategy, a program that will support community projects and help you reduce environmental impacts at home.

6.00pm–6.45pm - An opportunity to have your say and speak to the Lord Mayor, Councillors and City staff

7.00pm–8.30pm – What is happening in your area

More Information:  Inner South Community Forum - Thursday 19 March 2009.

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