You are here: Home / Past Events / ATP's Blacksmithshop Open Day - 17th August 2008

ATP's Blacksmithshop Open Day - 17th August 2008

An Open Day will be held on Sunday 17th August 2008 from 10am – 2 pm at the ATP's Blacksmiths Shop with tours on the hour of the workshop, blacksmithing demonstrations and explanations of steam powered blacksmithing assemblages by Guido the Blacksmith.

Event details


Aug 17, 2008
from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM


Wrought Artworks, Australian Technology Park, Locomotive workshop, (Bays 1 & 2), Garden St, Alexandria

Contact Phone

02 931 96190

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The Blacksmiths have been served a Notice to quit by the RWA. Unless this is overturned this will be the last opportunity to see Guido working the old Blacksmith Shop.

Please promote the Open day by printing off the Poster for ATP's Blacksmith Shop Open Day - 17th August 2008 (1MB PDF) and promoting it.

Apart from turning up to the Open Day you can support the retention of the ATP’s active heritage Blacksmith Shop by lobbying for its continuation of the Blacksmith shop. Details on who to lobby can be found at Persons to Lobby over Proposal to Remove Wrought Artworks from ATP. Background documents can be found on the web at

You can watch a 10 minute video about the Blacksmith Shop at


You can see some of the work done by the Blacksmiths at









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