REDWatch Forum - What is the Future of Community Safety in Redfern Waterloo? - 6 May 2009
REDWatch has asked Suzie Matthews the City of Sydney Manager - Social Policy and Community Support, to make an opening presentation. This will be followed by presentations by other interested agencies and a discussion about what should follow the area’s Community Safety Plan. The forum will be held on Wednesday 6 May 2009 T the Factory at 6pm.
Event details
May 07, 2009
from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM
from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo
Contact Name
Contact Phone
04 0000 8338
Since 2004 Redfern and Waterloo has had its own Community Safety Plan. It was one of the few initiatives from the Premiers Department’s Redfern Waterloo Partnership Project. The lead agencies was Council (first under South Sydney Council and then the City of Sydney) in conjunction with the Police. Following an evaluation the Council now proposes to no longer have a specific Community Safety Plan for the area, even though that evaluation recommends a process “to decide what needs to be done from now on” in Redfern Waterloo.
- Is there still a need for a separate Redfern Waterloo Community Safety Plan?
- Will Council’s broader Safe City Strategy adequately replace the local Community Safety Plan?
- Can the Redfern Local Area Command Police Community Precinct Committee play a role in developing and monitoring a Redfern Waterloo Community Safety Plan in a manner similar to the old Community Safety Task Force?
Further information on the issues under consideration can be found at:
- RWIU on The Future of Community Safety in Redfern Waterloo
- Redfern - Waterloo Community Safety Plan
- Redfern-Waterloo Community Safety Plan Evaluation 2008 - OCR Copy (2.2MB PDF)
- Safe City Strategy 2007- 2012 - City of Sydney
- Draft Glebe Community Safety Plan 2009-2011
[Note - REDWatch’s normal monthly meeting will be still held Thursday 7 May 2009]
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