Event details
from 01:30 AM to 03:00 AM
Contact Name
Most of you will be aware of our recent defunding by the Commonwealth Government of our Youth Employment Service. This despite our being funded to find young people jobs since 1992 and the fact that we for the last 3 years we have been the number one service for putting people in jobs across Eastern Sydney. This at a time when youth unemployment in Australia has increased from 20% to 24% in the last 12 months.
Fortunately for WAYS the Greens and the Coalition are seeking a Senate enquiry into this unreasonable action by the Commonwealth Government. WAYS also has members of the legal community come to our rescue and are representing us on a pro bono basis to seek redress for this injustice from the Commonwealth.
As part of the campaign to reverse this decision we are asking you as members of the community for support of a peaceful and non disruptive rally outside of the office of Mr Peter Garrett the Member for Kingsford Smith which incorporates the Maroubra area.
When we received notification of our defunding we sought his support to help us keep the service in the Maroubra area . Alas Mr Garrett the supposed Champion of the down trodden, blatantly refused to help us and supported in writing the governments decision to defund us.
Please join with us in a peaceful and non disruptive display to show our disagreement not only with the decision to defund us by the Commonwealth but at our local Member of Parliament’s refusal to help WAYS and the young people we service in Eastern Sydney.
We intend to deliver our Petition for refunding. Please join us in seeking the refunding of what is a very necessary service - 'Putting our youth in work'
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Russell King
WAYS Youth Employment Service