Celebrate & promote Redfern!
Event details
from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Roll Up Redfern comprises Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority, City of Sydney, South Sydney Rabbitohs, South Sydney Business Chamber and REDWatch.
Highlights on the night will feature:
- An update on the Redfern brand
- The introduction of the new Redfern Ambassadors
- The Shop Improvement Matching Grant Program
- Recent and up and coming events
- The launch of an exciting new Redfern campaign
It is also an opportunity to share ideas and meet other members of the community.
Light refreshments will be provided.
When: Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Time: 6pm-7.30pm
Where: Redfern Town Hall
73 Pitt St, Redfern
RSVP by Friday, 11 November 2011:
Tel: 9202 9117
Email: redfernwaterloo@rwa.nsw.gov.au