Waterloo Summer on the Green – Friday 2nd December 2011 from 2.00pm -6.00pm
Event details
from 06:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Service Providers who would like to participate in either of the two events can use the link to the separate registration forms below:
1. Redfern Neighbourhood Day – Friday 18th November 2011 from 12.00am- 3.00pm
At Poets Corner Shops in Morehead Street besides Redfern High Rises
2. Waterloo Summer on the Green – Friday 2nd December 2011 from 2.00pm -6.00pm
Waterloo Green area beside the Waterloo High Rises, corner of Raglan and Cooper Street
There is hoped to have fun activities such as stage performances, bouncing castles, BBQ, information stalls, face painting, and guest appearances. You are invited to book a stall where you can display information, sell products, food, crafts and merchandise. The festivals are top days within the
locals, attracting more than 1000 people.
The events will provide a great opportunity for people to meet their neighbours and interact with local organisations and service providers. You can be part of these events by:
Having an information stall
Hosting /sponsoring an activity,
Joining our working group to assist with planning,
Volunteering to support the event days.
If you cannot participate on the day but would like to help with resources or donations please let us know.
Should you require further information please contact Edith on 9698 9569, or Shane Smith at shane.smith@sydney.edu.au or 0438368724