How should we plan for growth?
Event details
from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM
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The April REDWatch meeting will explore the City of Sydney’s response to the NSW government plans to increase housing within existing city footprints as outlined in the government’s low and mid-rise housing proposal.
The government wants to force Councils to allow more homes to be built around suburb centres, railway stations and tram stops. City of Sydney staff will respond to that plan and discuss how they plan for growth differently.
The meeting will be held at 6pm at Counterpoint’s Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan St Waterloo and will also be available on Zoom via .
You can find out more about this issue in the SSH’s Where does the housing we need go? For more detailed information see the government’s low and mid-rise housing proposal and City of Sydney Council’s submission.
Given the NIMBY accusations being flung in this debate you also want to have a look at the NIMBY Discussion Points that REDWatch put together in 2013 when we unpacked “NIMBYism, the good the bad and the ugly”.
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