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Sydney Uni Abercrombie Street Update - 7 July 2011

Sydney University Director of Campus Infrastructure and Services, Colin Rockliff, issued the following update on Sydney University revising their plans for the Abercrombie Street campus on 7 July 2011. The next meeting to discuss these plans between the University and Residents is 9am 19th July at the University Services building.

Dear Local Community,

I would like to provide a brief update confirming what we have been discussing recently in our meetings;

The public exhibition of the project with the Department of Planning & Infrastructure closed on Friday 24 June, 2011. The Department of Planning & Infrastructure will now provide a copy of the submissions to the University. The University will then have the opportunity to respond to the issues raised and prepare a preferred project report that outlines any proposed changes to the project to minimise any potential environmental impact.

Several recent meetings with the local community and with the Darlington Public School have been extremely helpful in bringing about refinements to the proposal. At this point in time the University is investigating the following;


In response to concerns from residents and parents of school children, we have relocated the entry to the basement car park from Abercrombie Street to Darlington Lane and our traffic consultants are now assessing the traffic loading.

Shadow Diagrams

Shadow diagrams are being double checked to ensure there is an accurate representation of the impact of overshadowing. Updated drawings have been uploaded to our website.

Open Space / Permeability

The park on the corner of Abercrombie and Codrington Streets will now be retained to be integrated in the development. This will allow for access for the community to traverse through the precinct. 


The University will comply with all legislative requirements throughout the construction phase of the project and will prepare an Environmental Management Strategy (EMS). The EMS will include a Construction Noise Management Plan to minimise the effect of construction noise on the surrounding community. A Traffic Management Plan will also be implemented to direct all construction traffic along main arterial roads. In addition if any hazardous substances are identified on site they will be managed and disposed in accordance with relevant legislative requirements and guidelines, including the Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of Asbestos and the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2005.

Streetscape & Built form

The University is also reconsidering the scale and design of the buildings particularly in relation to the streetscape along Abercrombie Street and Codrington Street. The Architects Woods Bagot are currently working on softening the streetscape and built form to respect the local character and amenity of the area.

The University values your feedback and will continue to consult with the school and local community regarding these matters. You will have noticed that the Vice Chancellors column in the July edition of the South Sydney Herald also confirms that we are working on resolving these issues.

Should you have any questions or would like to discuss this project with a member of our project team, please contact Joanna Linehan on 02 9351 4614 or email

Our next Community Information Session will be held once we have progressed further with the above issues. We will be in contact in the near future with the details.

You can register for project updates by sending an email to with your name, contact details and email address.

For further information on all current development proposals at the University, please visit our website.


Colin Rockliff