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Meeting of proposed “RedWatch” group 2004

The first public meeting of REDWatch was held on Sunday 16 May 2004. Below is the initial notice. Following the unrest on the block a meeting was convened by the Darlington ALP to discuss how best to support the community. With the Redfern Waterloo Partnership Project (RWPP) plan for Redfern Waterloo expected soon, that meeting decided that that a group to monitor the RWPP and the changes proposed would be the best support. While REDWatch was active from this point onwards, it was not incorporated until January 2006.

Meeting of proposed “RedWatch” group

Sunday 16th May 2pm – 5pm Redfern Community Centre

A meeting will be held on Sunday 16th May of people interested in starting an ongoing group to monitor Redfern Waterloo developments, share information and look at any campaigns that may be necessary around the Inquiry, the RWPP, the RED Strategy and other issues important to the Redfern Waterloo area. It is proposed that an ongoing group meet every 4-6 weeks as needed.

Councilor Tony Pooley has been asked along as the earlier chair of the RWPP Community Council to give a background on the RWPP & RED. to and update

The idea is to try and fill a similar role to the old South Sydney AAP which bought together interested residents and agencies around local issues. It is proposed to try and include a wide range of people so if you have an interest please come along. Further information can be obtained from Trevor Davies.

If you have an interest in these issues and would like to be involved please come along or ring Trevor Davies on 0416 347 501 to indicate your interest.

Source: Redfern Waterloo Issue Update 14 May 2004